Part 11

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The next few days went on as usual, having class and Wei Ying getting scolded,occasionally though,Zewu-jun has been playing Liè Bīng for you to heal faster.

Soon came the sun shot campaign,the Jiang siblings were getting ready to head back to YúnMéng.

Class ended for the day,you were getting ready to head back to your bed chamber when Wei Ying stopped you.

"Say,Y/N,want to go back to YúnMéng with me?We could...hunt for pheasants and..drink lotus seed with wine!""Its makes it extra sweet!" He adds,trying to attract your attention.

"Well...I could use a break from this place
Way too many rules for sure." You reply,chuckling.

Wei Ying gave you his signature smile "great!well you should get packing,we leave in 3 days!" He said waving,running off.

You chuckle,shaking your head when Lan Zhan walked up behind you after he left."Y/N?what's gotten you so happy today?I don't think it's about our tests as they happened last month."

"Woah!Hey Lan Zhan!Wei Ying just invited me to join him at YúnMéng for the archery competition!Well I guess not for the competition since I have to report back here.."you explained.

Lan Zhan POV :

Y/N's going to YúnMéng?well I guess it will be a good exposure since the only place she knows right now is Gusu...but is she going alone with Wei Ying?

No...why am I thinking like this...of course Jiang Cheng will be there so there nothing to worry about...but why do I feel this tug at my heart?

It's not like she's leaving Gusu why on earth is my heart aching?Maybe I should join...yeah just to make sure they don't do something stupid...

I muttered softly "W-W-Well,c-can i j-join you?" Oh shit.Why did I stutter so much? What's wrong with me?

Your POV :

"W-W-Well,c-can i j-join you?" I heard Lan Zhan stutter.Did Lan Zhan just stutter?how often will I ever see this happen?!

Oh fuck!he's probably waiting for an answer!I have only been staring at him this whole time!

"S-Sure!I-I'll ask W-W-Wei Ying" I managed to stutter out.Redness creeped up my cheeks,I hope he doesn't think I'm weird now...


Lan Zhan nodded,them greeting goodbye and walking off their separate ways.Lan Zhan with tinted red ears and Y/N with heavy red cheeks.

Y/N walked as fast as she could without running as she knew she would be punished for running in Gusu.

She soon made it to Wei Ying's bed chamber...

A/N : sorry!very rushed cuz it's 1+ am here but I wanted to get a Part out for y'all if not it's real boring.Sorry for the cliffhanger!Thank you for 60 reads on Part 1 and we officially got every single chapter in the double digits!Woohoo!

P.s. : this was 508 words with A/N note but not this.ILY 💗💕💓

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