part 2

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{ } ciel talking
[ ] Thinking
( ) Talking to ceil
* * Expression of person
" " Person pov talk

Rimuru pov

We both just enter academy every start look at me but Ignore them so yeah we have to going into iruka sensei office so we can join academy well I known him well because he was my father student friend we both enter the room

"Hlo iruka-sensei"we both said with smile

"Hlo what bring you here"he ask us

"Here a letter from hokage" I said giving him letter

"So this is your academy joining letter huh" he ask while opening letter"well let's go to class then"

We start following him and he is the only person who is good with Naruto oh now it to enter in class

"Hlo kids we have new student so be good with them both of you come in"he said and tell us to enter in

"Hlo everyone I am rimuru uzumaki and this my small brother Naruto uzumaki"I said with smile

"Whoa that girl is that monster sister"boy's said

"Who are calling monster and girl kids" I said scary face

"W-W-What do mean" boys said with fear and scared

"First of my brother not monster and second I am a boy" I said while calming down

"What did you say" whole was shock with what I said in last but then person enter class it was my friend and his small brother

"Whoa who is this beautiful girl in class"kid said

[Sasuke is dead] whole class thinking

"Sorry kid but I am boy and boy the way hlo Itachi" I said with smile

"W-W-WHAT you are boy and how you do known Itachi "sasuke ask me with shocked face

"Well didn't I tell you thier is a boy who defeat me"Itachi said with smile

"W-W-What he is that golden blue beast" sasuke said with damn shocked face

{Master you need to talk to Itachi about yesterday}she tell me

(I know that ciel)I replied to her

"Itachi I want to talk with you" I said with serious look

"Ok let go then" Itachi said with confusion look

We both leave and sit on the tree

"So what do want to talk about"he ask me

"So tell me what are you going to do now about yesterday talk with elders" I ask with  
Suspense face

"So you known it huh I have for village"he said with sadness

(Hey ciel should send his whole clan to tempest) I ask her

{As your wish master I will do it but first you have to tell him} she tell me

"Itachi I have to tell you something" I said him"ciel teleport us to imaginary space"

"Wha-where are we"he ask me

"We are in imaginary space my place now I have tell you something"I tell him
everything about me

"So your god of multiverse"he ask me

"Well now time to teleport everyone here"I said teleport everyone here and explain

"Rimuru can I leave my brother with you" he ask me

"You don't have to worry I will take care of him but write a letter as I say"I said to him with letter any transform them to tempest

God of multiverse travel around worlds (Drop)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant