Two: On that Baby Grind!

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"Rel, you should probably see this," Aedon's voice woke me up the next morning, as I found him staring down into my crib. He was already dressed in his elegant clothing, with his crown of a blue gem-metal hybrid sitting on his head. On his face, was a look of concern.

"What is it?" Rel asked, somewhat annoyed at being woken up so harshly. She rolled out of bed and walked over, before laying eyes on me and blanching. She quickly ran over to the crib and scooped me up against her chest, staring down at me with a worried expression. "He's already gone through his first awakening? That shouldn't be possible until he's six, at the very least!"

' Ah, did I mess up by doing magic so soon? ' I paused. ' Whatever, I never intended to settle for normalcy, anyways. '

"Is this something we should be worried about?" Aedon asked, brow furrowed. "I've never heard of something like this happening, before."

"It's happened once in the history of magic - an Elven woman, name Milner. She awakened at two years old, both light and dark. She is regarded as the most brilliant Elven mage to ever be born," Rel said. "Half-Human-half-Beastfolk, and seven days after brith? Never in the history of either of our kingdoms, or the East World in general."

"Should we contact the Elves?" Aedon asked seriously. "They may know if something is wrong-"

"No, nothing is wrong," Rel shook her head, her eyes unfocusing as she stared down at me. "True, his core is developed beyond even someone at ten-years-old, but it's... organized... More so than some apprentices I've seen in the academy! I think this may be the result of a blessing."

"A blessing?" Aedon's eyes widened. "A blessed child hasn't been seen in Eilon in... a thousand years! Let alone in the royal family! If it has happened again after so long, I fear for what is to come..."

[Title <Blessed> Gained!]
You have been blessed by a deity, and are destined to change the fate of any land you touch. Whether for good or bad, that is up for you to decide.
+25% EXP with all Holy-Related Skills

"I have no doubt that Alistair will be able to stop whatever is coming. He has such intelligence in his eyes; he's even listening to us, right now! He is much easier to handle than Ravelus was, as well," Rel pressed her forehead against mine. I was suddenly very aware of my mana, as It spread up through my head and seeped through the walls of the channels and into my forehead. At the same time, a foreign pulse reached out of the darkness. It pierced my body and gently touched my own mana, intertwining with it before pushing mana into my system, while taking an equal amount out. Suddenly, I could feel a new set of emotions welling up within me.

I realized they were her emotions - separate from my own, but just as clear, if not more so. Above all, I could feel the immense love she had for me - I could even feel how that extended to her husband and first son. Before I could take in any more, the connection retracted, and I was left staring up at her in awe. "Yes," she said. "He is definitely blessed. The spirits say so. What do you suggest we do?"

"We wait and watch," Aedon said, smiling at me. "In the meantime, I shall organize with the Elves. It seems our son will be a competent mage!"

"Ha!" Rel exclaimed, pointing at him. "No silly sword-waving for him!"

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