One: Rebirth

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Blood poured from my mouth as I laid back against the wall of the reception hall, a bullet hole through my throat, and another three in my chest. I was accompanied by the bodies of more than twenty of my friends and family, who had also gotten caught up in this mess. I was forced to watch as a man, dressed in a suit splattered in blood and wearing a mask, fired relentlessly into the fleeing crowd with his light machine-gun. The 7.62 rounds tore through their flesh with ease, causing one after another to drop to the ground, either dead or dying.

' They'd attack... this? ' I thought, eyes turning bloodshot from being unable to breath. ' This was... supposed to be... a unity between dad's gang... and theirs... their members are among... that crowd... '

' Unless ,' my mind came to a conclusion. ' A rogue agent... discontent with the feud's peaceful end... Come to think of it, uncle Patrick was the only one who couldn't come... '

If I could sigh, I would've. ' I never wanted to... be apart of any of this... damn you, dad... dragging me into your petty war... '

A man came from beneath a table and talked the gunman, whom I suspected to be Patrick - my uncle. The two men fell to the ground, and the gun fell to the ground a short distance from me. Patrick was significantly bigger than the man who had tacked him, the rival gang leader Johnny, and I could tell who the victor would be in a moment. I could still move - I could stop this.

I tried to turn onto my side, but the pain wracking my body only doubled. This made me pause for a moment, but I couldn't stop, now. If Patrick wasn't stopped, more people would die. Bloody bubbles escape the hole in my throat as I grunted in exertion, falling onto my face and reaching towards the gun. Slowly, I dragged myself across the blood-slick floor as I listened to the sound of pained moans, screams, and the nearby fistfight.

' I'm sorry, uncle, ' I though as I reached the gun. My vision started to fade due to oxygen deprivation. ' I don't know what drove you to this, but it can't continue... ' I rotated the gun on the floor, unable to lift it, and pointed it in Patrick and Johnny's direction. 'At least my life will... finally mean something...'

I pulled the trigger, causing seven bullets to fire from the muzzle. Five of them struck Patrick in the back, while one flew past the two. The seventh went through Johnny's leg, but it was a non-fatal would, from what I could see. Patrick collapsed instantly, dead, while Johnny fell to one knee. I turned onto my back and stared up at the ceiling, muscles starting to spasm as I lost control of my body. I could feel it coming, death. Like ice spreading through me as my heart came to a stop.

Johnny kneeling beside me, grabbing my hand and holding a hand over my throat.

"Sterling!" He yelled, looking into my eyes. "You got him! Everything will be okay, just hold on!"

Tears fell down my blood-covered face as I stared up at him. I always liked Johnny, even if he and my father were at odds. He was a kind man, and a good father, and I respected him for it. Whenever he and I came across each other, he was always courteous, and didn't demean me like everyone else. He knew I never wanted to be a part of this.

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