Chapter Eight

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"Is there any more blood on my face?" Gerard asked, the third piece of damp toilet paper crumpled in his wet palm. "I think my nose is broken..."

Frank looked up with an expression of sympathy. "Babe- that's what happens when your a bad boy."

"What?" Gerard froze, turning away from the mirror to the younger boy. "When I'm a what?"

"Bad boys get broken noses." Frank explained as if it were obvious.

"Um no." Gerard argued, shaking his head. "Bad boys get spanked, not broken bones."

"Gerard." Frank said sternly. Setting the magazine that Gerard had no idea where it came from. "Are you implying that you want spanked?"

"Uh..." Gerard stumbled with wide eyes. "No?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?" Frank asked, his hands now lazily crossed over his front.

"Telling you?" Gerard asked, he couldn't work his voice right- it was broken (like his nose.)

That's when Frank pushed himself from the wall and walked over so that he stood right behind Gerard, the top of his head almost reaching at Gerard's height- but not quite.

"If you answer my questions with other questions I will spank you and I'll fuck you. In the ass. Don't think I won't."

"How else is a guy supposed to lose his virginity? Or really have sex? It's like- it's called anal for a reason, dude."

That made Frank snap out of his dominant mode and think. He was right. "Yeah- I won't exactly punish you for that but..."

"'But' what?" Gerard asked, throwing away the toilet paper and giving up completely on trying to make his nose look normal again.

"Nothing. But don't call me dude." Frank mumbled and pushed the door open after grabbing Gerard's hand.

"What? Are you gonna make me call you master?" Gerard asked sarcastically and actually got scared when Frank became quiet as if he were actually thinking about it. "Please. No. Don't make me call you-"

"I'm kidding Gee. I won't make you call me that, you just call me Frank. Or whatever the fuck I have you call me." Frank laughed and then became silent. "Shit!" Be whisper-yelled. "Gerard. Get back in there. Go through the window."

Gerard became confused and then spotted the flash of blue and red. The cops. And Gerard really did think about pushing past Frank and yelling for help- but something inside him helped him remember that Frank was fucking insane and would just come after him; whether he was moved to another state, a loony bin or moved to maximum fucking capacity.

"Gerard." Frank warned. "I won't just spank you- I love you. But I won't hesitate on putting a bullet through your fucking head."

Gerard whined as he slowly climbed onto the counter and heaved himself through the window and thinking to himself in the process that he really did need to skip a meal.

"Hurry." Frank snapped. "They'll come in here sooner or later."

"I'm trying." Gerard snapped back and scrambled out of the dark room and out into the sunny parking lot.

"Help me." Frank ordered and held out his hand.

And Gerard only obeyed for fear that he'd die if he didn't.

Frank got out and grabbed onto Gerard hand and then made a run for it.

"Stop right there!" A strict voice yelled and the two boys stopped and stared as an officer walked slowly to them. "Put your hands where I can see them."

And Gerard was really scared of the gun that was pointed at him. He didn't want to die. Not like this anyway.

Frank and Gerard did as they were told and held their hands into the sky.

The officer came closer and that's when Frank- in one swift movement- reached behind his back and held a handgun to the police. One shot to the head. Another the heart. And he collapsed to the ground. The dark red substance pooling around him and expanding quickly.

Other cops ran to Frank (big fucking mistake in Gerard's opinion) and Frank shot them all in the head. Each falling down like dominos. One after another .

"Sugar- follow me." Frank breathed out and ran to the closest cop car. The lights (considering that it's day) made the area look like a fucking disco as the seven (way to many, in fact) cars had the changing colors from red to blue.

And Gerard was panicking as he ducked his head to get in the passenger seat and Frank took off like a madman with the sirens still on and the lights flashing and going 20 miles over the speed limits.

Gerard was sure there were honks coming from other cars. The drivers getting pissed off at Frank's carelessness.

Gerard was starting to get pissed off. That was for sure.

And the whole time this happened, Frank was laughing and blaring what sounded like Guns N' Roses on the radio.

Frank, was one crazy motherfucker. And honestly- even though he wouldn't admit it; it turned Gerard on.

He was actually glad that he was wearing pajama pants because then no one could see how tight his pants were getting.

Or maybe it was just Axl Roses voice on the radio that was the distraction- it was very much possible.


Gerard and Frank found themselves marching through the forest as if they were in a marching band, making sure that no bugs were attached to the grass because Gerard remembered how deathly afraid of spiders Frank was.

Yes, it seemed to be much to important to Gerard just to forget. Every fact about Frank Iero was important to Gerard though.

Every single detail.

"I hope I don't find spiders on me." Frank said casually a little ahead of Gerard.

And he couldn't help but smile. The tough act that Frank put on, the fucking psycho serial killer, and the thief, he was scared of spiders.

But Gerard was scared of needles, so...

"I'll protect you, Juliet." Gerard smirked. "I'll be your fucking Romeo. Does that make you feel better?"

Frank blushed. "I guess." He stopped and waited for Gerard do catch up. "But I would totally be Romeo, and you'd be my precious Gee; the cross dresser."

Gerard's eyes widened as he
watched Frank retreat back to being ahead. "And where the fuck did that come from?"

Sick, hormonal teenagers


Song of chapter: The Unforgiven - Metallica

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