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     I stood motionless, unsure of how to react. I'd never expected this from Sejanus. We were friends, sure, best friends even. He was comforting, he was gentle, he was security. I kissed him back, softly. It was sweet, loving. But in the back of my mind I couldn't help but think of Coriolanus. I was wicked for thinking of him at a time like this, but I couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to kiss him. If it would feel more electric, more passionate. Coriolanus made no sense, one day we're nothing more than acquaintances, soon after I'm "his Rose" and moments later he's seemingly infatuated with his tribute more than anything. I wanted my brain to shut up, I wanted to feel and not think. So, I did the only thing I could think of, and I pulled Sejanus in harder, going for the gusto with the kiss. I wound my fingers in his dark curls as his hands respectfully found their way to the small of my back. My heart began to beat faster, I felt myself growing breathless. 

I broke away hesitantly, as Sejanus stroked my cheek with his thumb. "Please come stay with me tonight, Rosie," he whispered. "I can't stand to be without you after a day like this." He clutched my hands in his own, looking into my eyes earnestly. 

Aunt Ruby came up beside us, having overheard what Sejanus had said. "You know, I think that would be a wise choice, Ambrosia." I stared at her as if she'd suddenly sprouted 3 mutant heads. Was my Aunt, my legal guardian, and the only family I had, really suggesting I go and spend the night with a boy? "You would be safer with the Plinths than at home, dear. I can't help but worry that the rebels may be upset at having missed so many of their marks. Perhaps they will attempt to finish the job." 

I turned it over in my mind for a few seconds, "But what about you? I don't want to leave you alone."

"Well, I of course wouldn't leave you in your current state alone, but if you will have young Mr. Plinth to care for you, I would very much like to go spend the evening with Mrs. Crane. She's quite beside herself over Arachne...." Arachne. In all the chaos and violence that had been going on, I'd completely forgotten about Arachne's gruesome demise. Of course her family would be hysterical with grief, and livid that the games were continuing so casually after her death. I knew Aunt Ruby had gone to school with Arachne's mother when they were girls, so it made sense she would want to be there for her. How stupid of me to forget.

 "Of course, Aunt Ruby. If that's what you think is best " I smiled.

 "I'll see you tomorrow," she said as she kissed my forehead lightly. She went on her way, and Sejanus took my arm in his, leading me out to the car that was waiting for us to drive us to the Plinth estate. He opened the door for me, and kissed me again briefly before I slid into the warm leather seat. Little did we know that a certain blonde boy was watching us jealously from the window.


     Anxiety grabbed my chest with a fearsome strength as we approached the wrought iron gates of the Plinth estate. Yes, I was capitol and not district, but not all capitol was wealthy. Some of us were here by bloodline only, like myself and the Snows. I could feel in my bones I simply didn't belong in a place like this, and I couldn't help but feel awkward being here. Mrs. Plinth was a kind woman, and welcoming. Mr. Plinth was cordial, and never the least but unkind, though I knew he didn't approve of Sejanus spending so much time with me. He would prefer that his son keep the company of higher society folk, people with wealth, power, and ambition, like himself. People who shared his own ideals, and not the ideals of his wayward son. Nevertheless, I was here now, and no amount of worrying was going to solve anything. 

As we pulled into the grand drive, Sejanus squeezed my hand reassuringly. "You don't need to be nervous, Rosie. You'll be staying in the guest house. You won't even have to see my family, I told them you were too ill to see them." This did relieve a bit of tension, but not completely. I doubted that Mr. Plinth would be too pleased at me being hosted there, whether he had to see me or not. One thing I knew for certain was that Mr. Plinth was not a good person to make one's enemy.

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