"And I brought pie to make up for it" Izzie says

"Sam, I said no tweed" Paige says

"Oh, my bad. I thought you said only tweed" I joke

"We'll make it work. Now, what time will Jeremy be arriving?" Paige asks

"He's working, so Izzie is filling in" I say as I drape my arm around her shoulder

"I'm her date" Izzie says

"Oh, okay. Tweed suits, new guests...I mean, what's in the pie? Dog poop?" Izzie and I laugh as the doorbell rings, "That's the delivery guy! Ladies, please take the pies to the kitchen. Sam, take e to the door so I can check the bags" She tells us

Izzie and I walk into the kitchen, as I scratch my back, "The look on Paige's face was well worth the $11 but I gotta say, this suit itches like a bitch. And there's a spot on my back that I can't quite reach" I say

"I can reach it" Izzie says and starts scratching my back which sends shivers down my spine

I turn quickly, "So, weird that Jeremy didn't say anything about my dad, right?" I ask

"Yeah, he was probably just embarrassed but he should have at least called" She says

"Right?" I say

"Whatever. Boys are dumb, we don't need them" She says

"Hmm. Yeah, screw boys" I look at her, "Thanks for being my date to this insane dinner" I say

"Yeah" Izzie says

"What's insane about it?" We hear

We turn around quickly, "Nothing" Izzie says

"All cool, robo-host" I look at Sam, "Is this cheering you up?" I ask

"No" Sam says walking away

There's a knock and in walks Zahid, "Hello" He says

Izzie and I walk out towards the door, "Hey" I say
"Everyone, this..." A girl walks in, "...is Gretchen. We met at a dumpster. She's my soulmate and my sole mate. Same she size. These are hers" He says

"Nice to meet everyone" She says

"Gretch, this is Cameron" He introduces

"If it helps you remember, I'm the one in tweed" I say

"I don't know this one" He says pointing to Izzie

"I'm Izzie" She says
"She came with the suit" I joke

"Oh. The robot is Paige" He says

"Hi. So...meet...you" It cuts out

"I think your girlfriend is buffering" Gretchen says

"Our WiFi doesn't reach the front door. We don't typically stream guests in this area" Sam says
"And the man himself, Samuel Gardner" He says

"I have been hearing all about Zahid's best friend, the smartest person he knows, so I figured I'd scope out the competition" She says
"Well, I failed my Socratic seminar so I can't be that smart" Sam says
"That's what I thought" She says
"Za-boom! She got ya!" Zahid says

Izzie and I look at each other, "The WiFi's better here" Sam says stepping into the living room

"Okay, well, that's enough chitchat. Let's eat" Paige says

As we are sitting at the table, eating, "So, since we have a new guest, I thought we should start with an icebreaker. It's called Betty Boop—" I cut her off, "Nope" I say as I place the tablet face down on the table

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