Robbie Is a Zombie

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"Known for their pale skin and bad attitude. These creatures are often mistaken as teenagers."

- Journal 3, Zombie page 

When Dipper read the description of zombie it fit Robbie perfectly! Robbie is so different from his totally nice parents who live/work in a graveyard! He also does not look like either of his parents, so this theory makes a lot of since! Its possible that Robbie's mother couldn't have children and so they took in a zombie instead and raised him to ignore bit instincts or something. That could also be why he has no other siblings and again is nothing like either of his parents. Or... he could just be a teenager with a bad attitude. In Gravity Falls you never know!

Robbie's Parents:

Robbie's Parents:

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What do ya think!? Let me know in the comments if you think Robbie is a zombie or just a normal teenager living in the least normal place on earth?!


Reality is an illusion 

the universe is a hologram 

buy gold bye!

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