chapter 4 - fun

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At 7 I had heard a knock on the door and hand put a polo top and joggers. I ran to the door and smiled "hey Billie!" I went to shake her hand. "No need to shake my hand come here" she hugged me "you don't know how much I have missed you. I really missed you" she blonde hair in your face "I see you got rid of your sliver hair" I hugged back she pulled away "you don't like the blonde hair?" She said with a fake pour "what no! I love it I just mean-" she chuckled.

"I know what you meant" she laughed "it's good to see you YN" "it's good to see you too. I've missed you a lot" I showed her around before taking her to sit down in the living room. "I found my old camera from high school" i said quietly playing with my fingers "Please let me see the old photos!" She said excitedly. I stood up from the couch and walked to my bedroom grabbing the camera off of my bed quickly running towards the living room. Placing myself on the couch.

"Here" I mumbled giving her the camera. I could see the cute smile on her face looking at the photos. She looked so happy it was sweet. "These are so cute I didn't think you would still have them" She looked through all of them from the first one I took to the night of the prom "Look at this" She turned the camera, it was Halloween we dressed as tellytubbies. It was stupid. "You know what? I think I still have the costume." She laughed a bit. I liked her blonde hair it was pretty. "Your hair is pretty. I like it" I said out of the blue grabbing the camera and taking a picture. "AWHH" she said.

"Come here pretty boy" she hugged again. Her baggy clothes was always such a good style on her. "Would you like a drink?" I said completely forgetting I had bought a drink for her to impress her which felt off I never tried to impress anyone. "Yeah please" I stood up and went to the kitchen. Grabbing the wine before going back "here you go" I said. She thanked me and she sat there talking we had a lot to drink talking like how we used too. The confidence I grew while drunk. We had gotten just as close as we used to be.

high school friends - Billie Eilish X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now