'...Ready For It? - Taylor Swift'

Start from the beginning

Lando's pov

"Lando" I hear someone whisper from a far in my sleep. "hm?" I mumble softly in my sleep. I feel someone softly stroking my curls, I can't complain. "Lando, we have to change and get to the track" I hear the voice whisper again. "mhm" I mumble again, I don't want to get up. "Lan" I hear the voice again whisper again, it's a woman. I gently grab the hand hand which is stroking my curls. I hold it and I slowly open my eyes and look straight into Emma's gorgeous eyes.

"Wow, oh huh? I mean, what?" I say confused in a raspy morning voice. "Grace and George didn't wake us up when the movie was over. But we have to get changed quickly. It's already 9.30." Em says and gets up from the bed. "What!" I say a little stressed and grab my phone from the nightstand that's beside the bed. "Oh fuck" I say, "I'll see you downstairs, go change!" Em says and throws me my shoes. I put them on and open the door of her hotelroom. "See you downstairs!" I say before I close the door behind me and run upstairs to my own room. I quickly change into my team kit and grab my Mclaren cap.

I run downstairs to the cafeteria of the hotel. "Morning big bro" Grace says laughing. I look confused and then I realise I haven't done my hair yet. "Oh shut up, I have a cap" I say and put it on, I grab a bowl of yoghurt and a banana. I eat it quickly, Max Verstappen joins us for a little. When I'm done eating we make our way to the parking lot, me and George take a cab and Max, Emma and Grace take one. "Sooo" George asks teasingly hinting on my night with Emma. "What?" I say pretending to be cleuless. "Man! Come on!" George says. I laugh, "Fine Fine"I say and stay silent, waiting for his reaction.

"Well??" He asks curious. "How great was the sleep? bad, mid or good!?" He asks, I laugh at him and think about it. It was nice to fall asleep cuddling with someone. "I would say the best." I say turnign a little red. "My man is in love" George says laughing. We get out of the cab and join the others again. We sign some caps and shirts, really fast we have to change into our racing suits. When I walk out of my driver room in my racing suits I get waved over to Grace's side of the garage. I can see Grace is nervous, they want to take a day one picture of us. I put my hands behind my back, after the pictures I give Grace an comforting hug, I mean I hope it is. "You're gonna do great little sis" I whisper in her ear. "You too big bro" Grace whispers back and I feel her hug me.

I pull out of the hug and smile at her, she smiles back and we get into our cars. I put in my earphones and put on my balaclava, headrest and helmet. I get in my car and put on my gloves as Coxy my mechanic buckles me up. "Ready Lando?" Jarv my engineer asks. "More then ready" I say and wait for Coxy's sign so I can drive out onto the track. I put down the 3rd time for FP1, after FP1 I get out of my car and change into my normal clothes. I wait for Grace and we walk to the parking lot, on the way there we get hold up by a few fans so we take some pictures with them and sign some things.

After a little I turn around and see Emma has joined Grace for a picture with a fan. I wait for them to be done and we walk to a cab. I sit in the front with the driver and Grace and Emma take the backseat. I hear them giggling about something, we arrive at the hotel and hit right away for the lucnh buffet. We grab some things on a tray and sit down at a table with some more drivers. "Good FP1 result Max, P2!" I say to Max who is sitting next to me. "Did not too bad yourself Lando! But Lewis had the best time ofcourse" Max says laughign at Lewis' face when he heard his name. "hmm? what? Oh yeah! You guys did good too" Lewis says in response and laughs with Max.

When we finish eating our lunch it's around 1 pm. "Well time to head back to the track" Kimi Raïkonen says and gets up to bring away his tray. Esteban Ocon, his teammate at Alfa Romeo walks after him. Me and Grace also bring away our trays and walk with Emma and Max outside to a cab. Emma calls shotgun so I sit in the back with Max and my little sister. "See! I said you could do it" I say to my little sister when it came up to me she drove the 4th time. "Yeah! Better then me!" Emma says excited for Grace. "Thank you guys" Grace says with a smile. We arrive at the track and our ways split again as we have to chnage into our racing suits again.

George's pov

I woke up this morning at around 9 am to my alarm, I go to Lando's room looking if he's already up. I knock on his door but I get no reaction, right before I wanna knock again I hear someone walking up to me, it's Grace. "Morning" I say with a big smile on my face because I see her. "Morning" She says back blushing a little, 'Wait, blushing?' I think to myself. I chuckle and look at Lando's door again, doubting if I should knock again. "Is he awake yet?" She asks me. "I don't know, haven't gotten an answer yet" I say and decide to knock again. "Lando?" I say, no response again. "You don't think that he's still?" Garce asks me. "No! Right?" I say, I mean it would make sense right? We look at eachother and start walking downstairs to Emma's room.

We knock on the door, Emma opens the door on a crack. Long story short, Lando slept there. They didn't wake up through the night aparantly. Me and Grace go downstairs for breakfast laughing about what we just witnessed. Emma and Lando also coem for breakfast, after they finished eating breakfast we made our way to the cabs with Max Verstappen. Now I'm in my driver room changing into my racing suit. I walk into my garage and put in my earphones for the radio and put on my balaclava, headrest and helmet. I get into my car and put on my gloves. My mechanic tightens my seatbelt and I'm ready to go. I drive onto the track and start my flying lap right away.

"Alright George thats the 11th time" My engineer says over the radio. 'Fuck! Are we beginning this year bad again?' I ask myself as I drive my cooldown lap. I do a fast lap again and I drive the 8th time, not the time I wanted but it's the best time you can drive now a days in a WIlliams I guess. I hope this year will be better then the years before. I drive to the pits and stop the car as it is the end of FP1. I change into my clothes again and take a cab with Alex to the hotel to eat Lunch with the other drivers. We talk mostly about FP1 and how the cars feel this first ride, Emma and Grace are so excited about their first real drives in their cars. I get that I had that too when I was a rookie.

At around 1 pm everyone is done eating lunch and we all make our way back to the track or FP2. I get in a cab with Alex, Charles and Carlos. We part our ways because we have to change into our racing suits again. I put on mine and walk into my garage, I joke around with Alex for a bit. Alex'grilfriend Lily is here too, she flew in as a surprise this morning at breakfast. I talk with her for a bit too until my mechanic waves me over. I put in my earphones and put on my balaclava, headrest and helmet. I get in my car and prepare myself for FP2.

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