Understanding the circumstances, Radhi replied, "Okay, I understand. You helped me a lot. If you hadn't been there, who knows what could have happened. So, I forgive you."

Awkwardness lingered in the air, but Radhi's gratitude helped ease the tension.

"Waise, tum aaj apne usual time se alag time par itni jaldi nahane kyun chali gayi thi?" Ayansh asked, lightening the atmosphere with a curious tone.

(By the way, why did you go for a shower so early today, deviating from your usual time?)

"Just felt like it," Radhi replied, although she lied because she didn't want to share the conversation she had with Yash earlier today with anyone just yet.

"I know you're lying," Ayansh said, his words carrying a sense of acknowledgment.

"Ayansh, I'm telling the truth. why do you think I would lie?"?" Radhi repeated, her words echoing with a touch of insistence, despite the underlying deception.

"Because when you lie, you avoid eye contact," Ayansh said, pointing out a subtle cue he had noticed.

Radhi was left flabbergasted by Ayansh's revelation; it was as if he had unlocked the secrets of her soul in record time.

As Radhi was about to speak, a surprise knock echoed in their room. Startled, she turned towards the sound.

"Tum yahin ruko Mai kholta hu," Ayansh said, getting up to open the door.

(Wait here; I'll check)

On the other side stood a maid.

"Yes, what's up?" Ayansh asked.

"Badi Ranisa invited both of you for breakfast," the maid said.

"We prefer our meals here; thanks," Ayansh declined politely.

"Alright," the maid said before leaving. The room regained its quiet charm, leaving Radhi and Ayansh to their own world.

Ayansh returns and takes his seat once again.


The atmosphere in the lively dining room was charged with anticipation as everyone occupied their respective chairs, awaiting the entrance of Ayansh and Radhi for breakfast.

Suddenly, the maid returned, prompting a curious gaze from Vrinda. With a raised eyebrow, she asked, "What's up? Where's Ayansh?"

The maid's response added a surprising twist to the morning, "Nahi ranisa, Aayansh baba ne khana unke hi room me pahuchne ko kaha hai."


"No, Ranisa, Aayansh Baba has requested the meal to be delivered to his room")

Vrinda, upon hearing this, couldn't help but feel a twinge of surprise. It was a departure from the usual routine; Aayansh had never opted for in-room dining when she extended an invitation.

The dining room below hummed with speculation, adding a curious twist to the morning routine.

This revelation had instantly soured Vrinda's mood.

Vrinda, with a frown, remarked, "Ever since this girl arrived, Ayansh has become a complete puppet. Never before has it happened that I called Ayansh, and he didn't come."

But Mom, Bhai wasn't married before, and I think Bhabhi isn't feeling well," Anisha interjected.

Curious, Vrinda asked, "Why? What happened? Did you ask him?"

"I don't know, but this morning when I was heading to the garden for yoga, I saw Ayansh Bhai with our family doctor," Anisha explained.

"Why didn't you ask your brother what happened?" Harsh questioned.

"I did ask, but he only said that Bhabhi fainted," Anisha disclosed.

"Maybe there's good news," Shalu, their maid, chimed in optimistically.

"Fainting doesn't necessarily mean pregnancy," Anisha countered, glancing at Shalu.

"I know, but you must remember how hastily they got married. I think this is it," Shalu said.

Vrinda, already in a sour mood, felt Shalu's words were somehow justifying their rushed marriage.

"Don't forget, Shalu, that you're here as a maid, so behave like one. Otherwise, I won't hesitate to dismiss you," Vrinda snapped in anger.

"Forgive me, Ranisa," Shalu apologized.

"Just leave," Vrinda commanded.

"I've lost my appetite now," Yash said, standing up and leaving the room.

Visha found herself a bit bewildered; she had always thought of Vrinda as someone with a tranquil disposition.

"I believed my mother-in-law was the pinnacle of grace in this household, but it appears I might be mistaken. Maybe her affability is reserved for me solely because I'm Dev Shekhawat's daughter," Visha pondered silently.

Upon returning to her in-laws' house the day after the reception, Anisha had regaled Visha with the tale of Radhi and Ayansh's escapade and the ensuing uproar that echoed through the household.

The drama seemed to have unfolded in ways Visha hadn't anticipated.

"The day she discovers my true identity, she might treat me the same way. But what do I care? Once my mission is accomplished, I'll leave from here," Visha mused silently within herself.

Then, Visha calmly shifts her focus to her breakfast, undisturbed by the brewing complexities within the household.

With a tranquil ambiance, everyone finishes their breakfast and retreats to their respective rooms.

To be continued
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