Chapter 6: Protect Her

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"Akash da, I swear I can explain." A pleading Jeet followed Akash inside the house. Pihu was quite confused. She was sure she did not do anything wrong, so why is Jeet making guilty pleas to Akash da? She followed the two boys with her green envelope tucked inside her pocket. Jeet and Akash walked into Akash's room. As soon as they were in, Akash turned back and stood on the threshold of his room before Pihu could enter.

"Pihu, I need to talk to Jeet about something. You go downstairs and help Ma in the kitchen." He said sharply. Pihu was offended by his tone but could not do anything about it. She just abruptly turned and almost ran downstairs. She wanted Akash to know that she was hurt, and she was successful in doing so. Akash sighed and closed the door gently. All this while Jeet was standing beside Akash's study table.

"Dada, Maa Kali dibbi (Swear on Goddess Kali), she jumped on me. I did not do anything." Jeet started with his apologies as soon as Akash turned towards him.

"I know," Akash said silently. "I wanted to talk about your friendship."Akash picked up a stalk of neatly ironed clothes and kept it on the nearby chair. He sat on the small patch he cleaned on his bed. The whole room was in disarray. Two suitcases lay in the middle of the room with a couple of clothes. "Sit," Akash said while pointing towards his study chair. Jeet sat on the chair like an obedient child.

"Jeet, listen to me very carefully," Akash shifted in his place. "I am happy you are friends with Pihu, but you must understand that she is no longer a child. The worst part is she does not realise this." He paused a bit. "What I mean is she is still a kid up here.." He pointed his finger at his temple. "...but she is growing up now. Are you understanding?" He asked politely. Jeet just nodded his head uncomfortably. "I did not mean to make you uncomfortable, but talking to you about this is necessary before I leave."

"People think she is stupid", Akash chuckled a bit, "but the truth is, she is too kind for this world. She is too precious and sometimes needs to be protected from her own kindness." A small smile bloomed on his face as he stared at nothingness. "She is emotionally suicidal. So..." He rubbed his palm as he got up and walked towards his study table. "While I am away, you need to protect her."

"You need to make sure she studies. If necessary, drag her to your h..."He paused. An apologetic expression crossed his face.

"If necessary, I will drag her to the orphanage to tutor her." Jeet smiled in understanding. Akash shook his head.

"Do not let her stray away. Be there when she needs someone to talk to, give her a shoulder when she needs it and be the best friend she never had." Akash said almost authoritatively as if these were his demands. Jeet nodded his head in agreement. "But you need to be careful," Akash added. Jeet tilted his head a bit. He had a questioning look on his face. "Do not ever do anything that would push her away from you," Akash said sternly. "Do not give anybody a chance to lift a finger on your relationship with her," Akash said as he walked towards Jeet. "I know you would never cause any harm to her, but the society is cruel, Jeet." Akash held Jeet by his shoulders. "The society will watch you like a vulture just because you are an orphan. I need not tell you this, Jeet, but you have a bumpy ride ahead. You need this friendship as much as she needs it, so treasure it." Akash smiled at him. " One day, when you become a successful man, you will cherish this friendship. I am sure of that." Akash left Jeet's shoulders and pointed towards a pile of books. "These are for you." He started explaining the books to Jeet.

Both boys were locked inside Akash's room for the next hour. Akash was explaining different books to Jeet, and Jeet was diligently making notes in his small notebook.

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