Reading 6

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"I will." Canada said.

"Here you go bro." Al said giving him the book.

"You know you can sit down now right?" Arthur said from his seat.

Everyone noticed it to and sat down.

"Okay this is Ivan's, Dear Diary, Ever since everyone left me, I have had to spend my holidays all alone. I tried going to America's Christmas party, but everyone just seemed to ignore me. Perhaps I will have someone to spend the day with next year." Matthew read.

"I will spend Christmas with you Ivan." Yao said.

"And you can totally come over for Thanksgiving this year, even though you don't celebrate it." Alfred said, "Arthur and Mattie usually come over."

Ivan smiled and nodded, glad that they actually want him there now.

Matthew smiled and continued. "Okay this is .. Alfred's?"

"Let me see..... HAHAHA YUP THAT'S MINE!"

"Drinking game with Russia! Everybody so F*ckin NOOB they druk them ass out. Lef only me n ruski so we hav a round 2 c if who da 1st ta nock out is a ho. Dont chalent da hero!!" Matthew struggled to understand.

Everyone was laughing at how drunk Alfred was when he wrote this. Alfred just blushed, he had a lot of vodka and stuff that night.

"Continue." Alfred said.

Matthew read the next one and laughed. "The aftermath entry."

Alfred groaned.

"I was so screwed!! Woke up with motherf*cker hangover and b*tch pain in ass (literally). Damn Vodka bastard!! Need to go back to my room before Iggy came to check on me. OMG, I'll never get drunk again!!"

Ivan just smiled mysteriously and Alfred glared at him. Matthew laughed along with the other nations.

"It's not funny!!!" Alfred yelled.

"Sorry Alfred-san, but it is very funny." Kiku said.

Alfred just slunk down in his chair, sulking.

"Alright this one is Kiku's Dear diary, Why can't Avater: The Last Airbender come out in Japanese Dub already? It is hard being on the other end of the stick. I don't know how America deals with it?"

"Kiku you need to stop watching anime so much." Yao said.

"You to Alfred." Arthur agreed.

Al and Kiku looked at them respectively like they were insane

"No." They both said.

The others just sighed.

"This is Yao's, Dear diary, Japan is such a good kid! I hope we can be best friends - no the best brothers in the world!"

"You are the best brother in the world." Kiku said hugging Yao.

Yao looked at Kiku shocked then hugged back tightly. He hadn't been called brother by Kiku since he gained independence. And, just like Italy, China started to fade. Kiku looked on in shock, wondering what made that happen.

Once again a note was flashed into existence on the table. Ludwig (I keep typing Ludwing every time XD) picked it up and read it.

Dear Nations,

Yao is gone because all he wanted was to know that his brother still though of him as a brother. And he wanted to know that his inventions weren't his fault for all the death they caused. You helped him, we thank you.

The Ancients

Kiku smiled, he never really stopped thinking about Yao as a brother, he just hasn't voiced it.

"Alright, I think it's time for lu-" Ludwig stopped when he saw the time.


"Never mind, maybe we should start on dinner."

The nations nodded just realizing how hungry they were, they were reading so much that the day just flew by.

"I'll make it, Alfred why don't you help me." Francis said.

Alfred nodded, knowing that he didn't have a choice. Francis nodded and led the way to the kitchen.

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