They headed to a nearby Cafe to have each a latte. They pickpocket money from civilians without getting caught.

"Two lattes please" Marinette gave the order to the cashier.

"Make it a double," Adrien said.

"Got it" The cashier wrote it down before going to the machine.

Marinette and Adrien sat down at the table waiting for their order.

"Yes, I was lazy and a dumbass but that was the past," Adrien said.

"I know. I kind of like the new you" Marinette said.

"Handsome and sexy like an emo boy?" Adrien flirted.

"Yeah, you even dyed it I see," Marinette said.

"Yup. And yet I remember the same pink streak you had" Adrien said.

"I used to have it until I reformed," Marinette said.

"Especially your lovely handwriting and black painted nails" Adrien flirted and was given a latte by the waiter without looking away from Marinette.

"Heh, thanks Kitty," Marinette said.

"I did have a crush on you for a long time. I just didn't socialize much with anyone. I was too afraid to feel rejected like how I lost my mom. I guess my villainy made me feel afraid to feel that kind of pain all over again" Adrien drank his latte.

"Until now," Marinette said, her hand touching his.

"Meow, are you being a bad lady again?" Adrien teased.

"Maybe I am," Marinette said.

"Very un-ladylike with no lady-like manners, milady" Adrien uses lots of lady words in a sentence.

"Really?" Marinette chuckled at his joke.

"You always become a badass every time you do something dangerous" Adrien finished his latte.

"Oh yes," Marinette finished hers.

"If we are lucky, pun intended, perhaps Paris won't have to fear us again. In the past, we thought Paris treated us like nobodies but now today we will show them that we are not monsters again" Adrien said.

"Then we'll change to our new selves. How about Ladybug and Paw Noir?" Marinette whispered.

"I hate that new name but paws are always harmless. But fine" Adrien rolled his eyes.

"You remember the times I made fun of your soft behavior towards cats. I called you soft paws and you denied it. You always say your claws will remain stronger than your soft paws" Marinette snickered at her memory.

"Of course" Adrien replied.

They looked into each other's eyes and they leaned in for a kiss. After sharing that kiss they got out of the Cafe.


With the Supreme, he was severely disappointed at his minions' failures. Not a single victory against the former holders that betrayed him years ago.

"Those antiheroes are getting tougher" The Supreme said.

"We lost two holders!" Volpitiva said.

"So they got their miraculouses taken?" The Supreme guessed.

"Yes, Master. The traitors have claimed them" Volpitiva said.

The Supreme goes up to her and pins her on the wall with his staff, "You have failed them as their partner when they worked for me!" He then grabs her in a chokehold with one hand, "And now if they manage to return to Paris, all my plans will be lost!"

The remaining holders backed away from his abusive behavior scaring them.

"Now, I want four of you to go for the two. They were last seen in Ukraine!" The Supreme's eyes flared in anger.

"At least let me breathe to live!" Volpitiva panicked.

"Gladly" The Supreme drops her to the floor.

"Your leaderness, perhaps only one should go" Volpitiva coughed.

"It will be you then," The Supreme said.

"Oh, uh, maybe King Ape can" Volpitiva trying to manipulate him which she's very good at, "Disrupting their powers shouldn't be a problem"

"He's going with you!" The Supreme turns around sharply.

"Oh, puh-lease! That idiot buffoon is utterly ridiculous with monkeying around and his disgusting frog toy turned my spinning top into a disco ball!" Queen Hornet criticized.

"It was actually hilarious" King Ape laughed.

"Take that back! This time we will break Shadybug's spirit, far worse than before!" Queen Hornet held out her stinger spinning top.

"Do that and I disrupt your powers again! Uproar!" He summons a stuffed animal in his hand.

"Oh, I dare you! You filthy smash monkey!" Queen Hornet dared.

"ENOUGH!!!" The Supreme roared and three villains were startled, "You three are going to Ukraine and bring the two to me!"

"No! I can handle this on my own! I don't need useless allies to aid me! Pony boy! Portal me there!" King Ape demands the horse holder.

"You got it. Voyage!" Sleipnir (Evil Pegasus) opened a portal.


The former villains were out at night hunting bad guys to either fight or kill to gain more money to travel. Claw Noir was sneaking up to a duffle bag filled with cash with two thugs ready to load it when he jumped up and extended his staff into a spear and impaled one of them.

"What the?!" One of the thugs gasped in shock before getting pulled into the darkness and a loud snap was heard before his corpse was thrown out, revealing his neck broken.

"Fuck! Run! Run!" They all said to run.

"The hunters become the hunted! RAWR!" Claw Noir ran on all four.

Shadybug was standing at the end of the alley to make the thugs stop, "Leaving so soon?"

"It's that damn beetle!" One of the thugs said.

"Did you forget we were legends?" Claw Noir behind them looking very menacing.

"Yes, the worse criminals of Paris" One of them said.

"And I hope you still remember our brutal killings" Shadybug grinned evilly.

"Remember, this cat still has his claws" Claw Noir shows off his claws.

"Shit! What the hell do you want?! We barely ever threatened you all the way to Paris!" They said.

"We're just here for the money!" Claw Noir snatched the duffle bag.

"Hey! We worked so hard to get that! Whoa!" One nearly almost got the feline's claws inches close to the eyes, "Okay! Okay! You look very pissed! I didn't mean that!"

"Good boy" Claw Noir smiled creepily and pulled away.

"What the bloody hell is wrong with you all?!" They asked.

"We're not following our former master's orders anymore. So have a nice day!" Shadybug then drops a pile of cargo onto them to trap them.

"Good job, Bugaboo" Claw Noir said.

"Thanks. Next time, don't look spooky like a Cheshire Cat disappearing and reappearing" Shadybug said.

"Come on, I love doing that a lot" Claw Noir chuckled and walked with her out of the alley.

"Looks like we got enough for our new life, Kitty" Shadybug held up one bill.

"I know but remember, all currency is not the same here in Europe. We are heading to Romania. Vampire mascot in Transylvania. I love monster stories" Claw Noir chuckled evilly.

"So you can be Bat Noir" Shadybug joked.

"Yes, my bugabride" Claw Noir pretends that he's gonna bite her neck.

"Do that and I yank your wings and whiskers" Shadybug warned.

"Okay, then my princess of darkness" Claw Noir pulls back.

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