The Marchioness had heard rumors that Astelle was knowledgeable about medicinal herbs and often carried a collection of medicine bottles. Marianne, in her attempts to investigate the woman's suspicious activities, had suffered a framing and subsequent torment.

The Marchioness pondered over Astelle's interests and pastimes, disparagingly likening her to a pharmacist—an occupation she associated with lowly women. Memories of her upbringing in the North, where assertive women were often condemned as witches and faced dire consequences, crossed her mind.

She convinced herself that Astelle harbored a motive for revenge against her, possibly for orchestrating the recent kidnapping of her nephew. This conviction fueled her belief that Astelle was exacting revenge for perceived wrongs.

The Marchioness's attempt to frame Theor for the broken pottery failed when the emperor intervened abruptly, rendering her efforts futile. The pottery in the pavilion held immense sentimental value as it was treasured by the previous emperor, making it an offense that couldn't be overlooked, regardless of the culprit's age.

Astelle's affection for her nephew, Theor, was evident, leading the Marchioness to believe that Astelle sought retribution for her daughter, Marianne.

Astelle was astute and wouldn't be oblivious to the Marchioness's involvement. The Marchioness, struck with fear, considered another unsettling possibility.

'Could she be attempting to poison me?'

The chilling thought sent shivers down her spine. Then, another dreadful notion crept into her mind.

'If not me... perhaps my daughter, Florin...'

Her deep dedication to the current emperor during her time as the crown princess was a well-known fact, leaving the Marchioness fraught with anxiety over the safety of her family.

The Marchioness had observed Astelle multiple times with Kaizen, the former Crown Prince. Astelle's gaze toward Kaizen spoke volumes of a lingering affection. Such feelings wouldn't easily fade over the years.

Marianne, might have sensed Astelle's intentions. The Marchioness speculated that Astelle, having been dethroned and exiled, might have harbored jealousy toward Marianne, who enjoyed the favor of the Emperor.

The Marchioness feared Astelle might seek revenge by targeting Florin. She longed to search Astelle's room, convinced she'd discover evidence of poison. Yet, Astelle was a guest invited by the Emperor, making it impossible for the Marchioness to search without a valid cause.

Relying on the maid's testimony wasn't sufficient. Therefore, she instructed the maid to convey her acceptance of the tea party invitation. Her intention was clear, by attending the tea party would allow her to closely observe Astelle's actions.


"Finished, Lady Astelle," Hannah said, setting down the comb.

Astelle sat before the dressing table, observing her reflection. Her white-blonde hair cascaded loosely around her shoulders, framed by a blue dress adorned with delicate white lilies. A simple hairstyle was accentuated by a peony hairpin adorned with a round pearl.

"Thank you, Hannah. You did wonderfully," Astelle expressed her gratitude.

A flicker of memories seemed to cross Hannah's brown eyes, hinting at the past. As she assisted Astelle in dressing, it seemed the task stirred up old recollections for her. Astelle felt a similar nostalgia creeping in, reminiscent of a time six years ago.

It felt like a throwback to the days when she moved within the capital's social circles as the prince's fiancée.

"Let's go," Astelle announced.

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