Home Alone in Fleet Street

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"Tomorrow they will be gone?" One of them asks. "Including that barber? That's a surprise," the other says.

"Hopefully once they're gone we'll be able to find out where those missing people went, witnesses say they were last seen here," the other ominous person replied.


Everyone sat at the table eating the roast chicken Mrs. Lovett made. Anthony and Johanna kept talking about all the things they would do when they arrived at the beach, while Sofia and Adam were squealing with excitement.

Nellie was also beaming at Sweeney who wasn't paying attention but more so staring off into space while playing with his food, surprising not annoying Nellie even though it usually bothers her when the barber doesn't eat his food. Though Toby was the only one, besides Sweeney, with a frown on his face. He still wasn't happy that the barber was coming with them to this vacation, although he knows it will make his mother happy, he knows Sweeney doesn't actually want to go. In fact, he believes the barber will make it difficult to enjoy the holiday with his brooding and complaining.

"Toby, you should eat your food before it gets cold. You too father," Johanna said after a while when neither Toby or Sweeney ate their food.

Sweeney hesitated but obliged to eat the roast chicken, making Nellie smile widely showing teeth. Toby refused to lift his fork.

"Eat your food boy, I don't want to hear a pout from you," Nellie snapped from her happy gaze and scolded the boy.

Still no answer. The room becomes silent.

"Tobias get over it, Mr. Todd will be joining us on our holiday whether you like it or not," Nellie was becoming more agitated with the lad's attitude.

Sweeney was now focused on the tension going on and the children stopped their conversation of their excitement about going to the beach. The baker leaned over the table, "I might as well leave you here if you're going to behave this way," she said harshly.

Toby stood up from the table and let out a huff of anger and trudged away to his bedroom and behind him he could hear the grown ups conversing about him.

He sat on his bed furious. He felt as if the whole world was against him, how could his mother defend a man like Mr. Todd? He wasn't stupid, he knows very well that Sweeney Todd wasn't a good man, since living with the barber and baker, he hasn't seen him do one good thing at all.

A knock came from the door. "Toby? Are you okay?" It was Johanna, her voice soft and gentle unlike Mrs. Lovett's that was high pitch and grating sometimes, only rare times would her voice would be soft and a lot of the times she would use that tone on Mr. Todd.

Anger and jealousy boiled inside the boy as he thought about his mum being kinder to the rude barber, but let out a sigh when Johanna was waiting for his answer.

"I'm fine".

"Are you sure? You didn't look alright".

"Yes, I'm sure. Please, I want to be alone".

He heard the young lady let out a sigh and walk away from the door, possibly returning to the rest of the group.

Toby plopped his head onto his pillow and let out an annoyed sigh. Perhaps he should suck it up, there was no point in arguing with his mother. No matter what she'll always defend that man known as Sweeney Todd despite how much it annoyed him and create a rift between himself and the woman that is supposed to be his mother.

He eventually closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep awaiting for the vacation to begin and swallowing his hatred for the barber.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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