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Buck's point of view

I tell Athena who is on a video call with me when I hear a banging at my door. "Buck what is going on?" I hear her ask me as I check the cameras I have my heart sinking when I see who it is on the other side. I run to the room locking myself in there. "He found me, A-Athena he's here he found me." I whisper to the phone crying and shaking like a leaf. "What do you mean Buck." I share the live feed to Athena phone when I hear the door swing open and Athena on her phone with police and she's running out of the house.

"I'm on the way Buck ok breath everyone on the way." I don't say anything shaking and crying scared he'll find me. "Evan get your ass out here, I told you not to leave me!" I hear Shaun yell out I flinch holding my hands over my mouth. "Evan I love you please don't make me force you, we can have more kids a bigger house and be happy." He screaming when the door kicks in and I yell as he grabs me. 

"Get off of me, leave me alone please!" I cry out he grabs my arms slamming them into the walls hard, he then grabs my throat tightly. "We are meant to be together and if I can't have you no one can." He takes his other hand punching me across the face. I can't speak as I struggle in his grip as he tightens it. He looks down to see the tablet and his grip tightens more onto my throat he picks it up when I black out.


Athena's point of view

"He found me, A-Athena he's here he found me." My heart sinks as I see the camera feed sent to me. I grab my phone to text Bobby and then I call 911, I run out of the house jumping in the car and going as fast as I can. "This is off duty officer 727-L30 I need all units at 143 north hemps drive for a dv situation possible abduction. Victim name Evan Buckley, the suspect name Shaun Hyland. This is a critical case h-he will kill him so be careful." I say tears running down my cheek when I pull into the apartment building I grab my gun running into the building as other units pull up.

I run through the house seeing broken glass and I see the bedroom and he's nowhere to be found I put my hand over my mouth as I hear the fire engine come up. "We need a bolo on both of them now! This is time sensitive, I say walking out knowing they can't come in. 

I throw up my breakfast I had that morning kneeling down when the 118 runs over to me asking if he's ok. "He found him, he has him." I choke out Bobby sitting on the ground now as well I sit there feeling the world stop right there. "We let him get taken we failed him." I mumble Hen holding onto me were all crying expect Eddie, Eddie throws his helmet down and kicks it cussing up a storm. "He was getting better he was starting to open up he was happy!" He screams out I push myself up to comfort him. "E-Eddie come here." I say opening my arms Eddie doesn't listen he keeps yelling out of frustration. 

"NO I am the reason any of this happened why did I push him into Shaun!" He says hyperventilating blaming himself as Buck place is marked as a crime scene, he leans on the engine hitting himself in the face. "Eddie breath we will find him." I say he looks at me sad and mumbles. "What in another five years?" He says getting into the engine pale and shaky.


"You have to find that car now, he will kill him or make him wish he was dead!" I yell at detective Romeo angry and hurting as Buck has been gone for three hours already. "We are trying Athena but you are not working this case your to close." He says as I glare at him it's not fair that this is happening. "You need to let me on this we all said he would be fine! No what I'll do it my self then because if he dies you trying to do it by the book I swear to god." I growl at him tears in my eyes as I storm out of the station angry and worried. "Sargent Grant stop right there!" I turn around angry and ask what the hell he wants. "You are staying here due to the fact of not being rational." I huff and glare at him angry that he thinks I should be.

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