Crush - Lee Riwoo

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a soft sigh left your lips as you stared at your dance partner from across the room

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

a soft sigh left your lips as you stared at your dance partner from across the room. you and Riwoo had been partners for two years, ever since you had joined the dance club.

and it didn't help that he was the most kind hearted, beautiful boy ever. you couldn't help but eventually grow a crush on the boy.

"y/n stop gushing over Riwoo and just make the first move!"

"i don't want to.."

you sighed once again while looking back over at Riwoo who was sat with his group of friends. the only time he ever talks to you is during these dance classes. so it was obvious he would never like you back.

"okay everyone! this year we have been asked to make a performance for the school concert"

your dance instructor began talking, making all the attention go towards her.

"the principal wants us to create a few duets to showcase, so i have chosen a few"

she began reading out names of people who would be having duets together, and as much as you wished she'd call out your's and Riwoo's names, you also didn't want to embarrass yourself dancing a style you had never danced before.

"and finally we have.. y/n and Riwoo! you guys will all be dancing to perfect by Ed Sheeran"

it took all the power in you to prevent your jaw from dropping. you are going to be dancing to a romantic song.. with your crush..

"i can't do this!"

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"i can't do this!"

you whined as you laid back onto the hard floor and closed your eyes tightly. it had only been 30 minutes since you and Riwoo started learning your part of the duets, but it was hard.

"this is so tiring. can't we do something like hip hop? we're both good at that!"

Riwoo silently watched your complaining with a smile on his face. he then stood up off the floor and held his hand out for you to take.

"i'm new to this style of dancing too. let's learn together, yeah?"

you opened your eyes and looked right at him. after a moment you reached your hand up and grabbed onto his, letting him pull you from the ground.

you then let him put your hands in the right positions. one on his shoulder and one holding his spare hand. the close proximity made your heart beat uncontrollably.

"i'll just play the music and we can mess around with the choreo"

his voice came out quietly as he ran over to the speaker and pressed play before making his way back over to you and resuming the position you was in before.

you took a deep breath before taking the first step, not wanting to mess it up. but you did it right, and Riwoo followed along effortlessly.

"i thought you never did this dance style before?"

you joked as the two of you danced around the room as if you knew exactly what you were doing.

"i haven't, seriously! ..okay maybe once!"

he laughed, causing you to lose focus because of how pretty he looked when he smiled. this then caused you to take a wrong step and accidentally step your foot onto his.

"oh my gosh i am so sorry!"

you let go of his shoulder and took a step back. he laughed once again and gave your hand a squeeze. oh right.. you was still holding his hand.

"it's okay. i barely felt it"

the two of you fell into a comfortable silence as you got back into position and tried getting back in time with the music. your eyes kept glancing up at his, and you hoped he wouldn't notice.

but unfortunately for you.. he noticed.

"is there something on my face?"

the song came to an end and he looked up at you, not making any moves to leave the position you were both stood in.

"no- uh.. sorry i was spaced out"

you looked down and closed your eyes for a second as you took a breath. your heart was beating so fast you were scared it was loud enough for Riwoo to hear.

"y/n can i.. can i ask you a question?"

as he spoke his grip on your hand tightened and he grabbed your other hand that was still on his shoulder, moving it into his other hand. he was now holding both of your hands in his and he turned his whole body to face you.

"do you like me?"

your body grew stiff at the question and you looked up at him quick, surprisingly not giving yourself whiplash. did he know? your mouth opened and closed, thinking of how to answer such a question.


your voice spoke out before you could realise what you was saying, and a smile quickly formed on the boy's face. he held onto your hands tighter and used this as an opportunity to pull you in closer.

your faces were barely inches apart and you could feel his breath on your nose. it was at that moment you noticed the slight nervousness on his face.

"that's good.. because i like you too"

you swore you could see his gaze darting back and forth between your eyes and your lips. and before you could say anything, he quickly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth.

the subtle touch was enough for you to gain a bit of confidence and move your hands to his cheeks before leaning in again and finally closing the gap between the two of you, properly this time.

it was a short, yet sweet kiss, as all first kisses with your crush are, and when you both pulled away you rested your foreheads together with a smile on your faces.

it didn't surprise a single person in your dance class when the two of you entered the studio the next day holding hands and being extra clingy. if anything, they were all relieved you both finally confessed to each other.

 if anything, they were all relieved you both finally confessed to each other

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
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