Christmas Chapter

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The I.M.P team, despite the lingering concerns about Rox, decides to focus on the upcoming Christmas festivities in Hell. They all went to the Stolas Mansion. Stolas welcomes the I.M.P Team.

Stolas: Welcome, everyone! Let's celebrate Christmas together. It's a time for joy and togetherness.

Octavia: I've prepared some festive decorations. Let's make this place feel warm and cheerful.

Blitz: Sounds good. Let's put the Rox situation aside for now and enjoy the holiday.

The team engages in decorating the mansion, exchanging gifts, and sharing laughter. Despite the challenges they've faced, the Christmas spirit brings a sense of unity and comfort to the I.M.P team.

Stolas: It's important to cherish these moments, especially in the midst of uncertainty.

Stella and Stolas have a daughter, Octavia. As they celebrate, a knock on the door interrupts the festivities. Stolas opens the door to find a surprise visitor. It was Stella. Stella don't know Mason, Azar, Grim, and Mollie. Stella does know Blitz, Moxxie, Loona, and Millie.

Stella: What the hell is going on here?

Stolas: Stella, it's Christmas. We're just celebrating together as a family.

Stella: Family? This is not a family! You abandoned your responsibilities.

Stolas: I understand your feelings, Stella, but let's not ruin the holiday spirit.

Stella see Azar, Mason, Mollie, and Grim?

Stella: Who are these people?

Stolas: These are friends and associates. They've been through a lot with us.

Stella: Friends? Associates? I don't care. You need to focus on our family.

Blitz steps forward.

Blitz: Look, we're just here to enjoy Christmas. Let's not turn this into a fight.

Stella: I won't stand here and watch you destroy everything.

Stolas: Stella, please, let's discuss this later. For now, let's enjoy the holiday.

Stella, frustrated, decides to grab Mason, trapping him, grabs gun and points to Mason head.

Mason: Help!



Mollie: AM SCARED!

Azar: SHIT!

Grim: NO WAY!

Blitz: Stella, put the gun down. We can talk about whatever issues you have without resorting to violence.

Stella: You ruined everything, Stolas! This is the consequence!

Stolas: Stella, please, don't do something you'll regret. Let Mason go.

Stella hesitates, torn between her anger and the pleas from those around her. The atmosphere in the room becomes tense, with the Christmas celebration turning into a dire situation.

Blitz: We can find a way to resolve this without anyone getting hurt. Let's talk.

Stella, still holding Mason hostage, glares at Stolas.

Stella: Fine, we'll talk. But don't think this changes anything.

The room falls into an uneasy silence as Stella lowers the gun, allowing Mason to step away.

Stolas: Thank you for putting the gun down, Stella. Now, let's talk and find a way to address the issues.

Stella: Talking won't change what happened, Stolas. You abandoned us.

Helluva Boss Mason (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now