A Pleasurable Meeting (+18)

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My team and I were now heading towards Coruscant.

Draigr: Answer me one thing.

Turo: What's wrong, Draigr?

Draigr: Why are we going to Coruscant? We all know we're not very welcome there.

Turo: We have a reason for that.

Draigr: What would it be?

Turo: *Sigh* The reason we were called by Count Dooku was to eliminate Senator Amidala. We have to warn her of the danger she is in.

Draigr: So why are we getting half paid up front if we're not going to take the job?

Turo: It's very simple. We need the money. But that doesn't mean we need to accept the job.

Arsa: Okay. But what is the real reason?

Turo: What do you mean?

Arsa: I know you well enough to know that this isn't the only reason we're going to Coruscant.

I could see that she had a small smile on her face. Mainly because she knew I was blushing under my helmet.

Turo: *Sigh* Okay... Senator Amidala and I... have a relationship.

I could feel everyone's surprise, even though everyone was wearing helmets.

Turo: We met by chance. It was just before I met you all. I was hunting a fugitive Devaronian, when I found him, he grabbed the nearest person to use as a shield. And, coincidentally, this person was a friend of Senator Amidala. After I captured the fugitive, she told Senator Amidala about me. And after that she contacted me, wanting to meet me in person. I then went to Naboo, and we talked for a while. I talked a little about myself, and she talked a little about herself. Conversation comes, conversation goes, we ended up drinking a little too much... and it ended up happening.

I said, getting a little embarrassed at the end. Because I remembered well everything that happened that night.

Flashback On

I was heading to Planet Naboo, as Senator Amidala ended up contacting me to invite me to visit Naboo. I must admit I was surprised when I received her transmission. But I wouldn't refuse a direct invitation from the Senator of Naboo. That's why I'm here now. I soon landed my ship in a hangar at Theed Spaceport. And, to my surprise, Senator Amidala was there to welcome me, along with a considerable squad of guards. I soon disembarked from my ship, facing the Senator of Naboo.

Turo: I'm surprised you came to welcome me in person, Senator. I thought you would be busy with some important matter.

Padmé: *Smiling* I understand her surprise. But today I have free time. And what kind of Senator would I be if I didn't personally welcome someone I invited myself.

Turo: I see. But I don't see any reason for so many guards to be accompanying her. I have no reason to harm you.

Padmé looked a little nervous. When I see a reflection light on a roof not too far away. I then activated my energy shield, and blocked a blaster shot that was aimed at the Naboo Senator. This put all the guards on alert. But I soon grabbed my Blaster Carbine, aimed at the place where the shooter was, and fired, hitting him right in the chest, as he had gotten up to run away, but wasn't so lucky. I then put away my Blaster Carbine and said:

Turo: I believe that's why.

???: Senator, we must hurry. You are still in danger.

Said the leader of the guards, this was Captain Gregar Typho. We then hurried and got into the Senator's personal transport. With a pair of guards going to check the place where the dead shooter was. After I let them know where he was.

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