ch 6

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Lóaks pov:

I took niphin to meet paykun at the 3 brothers rock. "Paykaun " I yell out. "U sure we'll be safe out here " she asks me. "Chill it'll be fine trust me " I tell her. "Fine I trust u " she says . Soon paykun comes to meet me.  "Hey bro " I sign to him.  "Who's she" He asks in his moaning sound. "She's a friend I want u to meet " I sign . "Hello " she too signs back . " hello little girl " paykun says clicking .
We then just swim around and play with paykun . It was so fun. Even niphin was enjoying herself I could see her happy which made me happy.
After all the playing me and niphin lie down on paykuns back to rest. " this is the best thing I did in my entire life" niphin tells me. " thanks a lot lóak" she also tells me. " No problem niphin" I say to her. I get up and sit on paykuns fin .
" why are u an outcast . What happend " I ask him. "It's too painful" He says back not yet wanting to answer my qution.
"I trust u . U can trust me bro" I signto him.
"Lóak it's getting late we need to leave soon" niphin reminds me . I say bye to the poor tulkun and leave with niphin back to the shore.
"He is so cute . Especially when he splashed water on u " niphin tells me. " u mean paykun is cute or u meant me " I ask. "Pfft nha bro it's totally paykun who's way more cuter then u " She says .
I give out a little smirk for her answer . "U sure I'm not that cute cause I think I'm the most handsomest dude in this clan" I tell her. " sure~ " she says expanding the er part.

We get back home to see worried neteyam . "What's wrong" niphin asks him. "It's kiri she had a sizer underwater " He tells us. I became more worried now. It could have been faitle what if she stopped breathing . I couldn't bare loosing her she is my sister after all.
We all wait for norm to come and help. 
We all stay out with ronla coming . "Niphin come inside with me " she tells to niphin. Niphin follows her inside.

Niphins pov:

I follow aunty ronla inside . "I see that I'm not needed here" she says looking at all stuff around. "U r tashik " aunty netiri  says holding her hand. "Remove these" "out u have done ntg " . After all that I help aunty ronla holding the mini pot while she pokes a pin. After that she starts to blow air out from her stomach.
Kiri wakes up and aunty netiri gets closer to her. Uncle jake and all the others come inside as kiri starts to cry.

I fell into avatar : the way of water (x lo'ak )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin