9. Forgotten Princess

Start from the beginning

"Mr. Acharya. I promise to drain every single drop of blood from my body. I would rather burn alive than ever let my blood make me the same as you."




"Wake up! Bhai

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"Wake up! Bhai." I say while poking my brother who was sleeping flat on his face his bedroom was filled with books scattered everywhere.

It wasn't even comics, mangas or novels like my room.

They were his textbooks. His whiteboard was filled with tenth standard trigonometry questions. And his soft board was filled dates of every single war or battle that had taken place in British India.

"Bhai!" I said again softly poking his face. He groaned in his sleep and pushed my hand away.

I kept poking him repeatedly annoying him until he rolled to the other side and the finally disappeared under the blanket so that I couldn't poke him.

"BHAI!" I yell at where I think his year is. He lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Amara! I swear to fuck. You better let me sleep." He groaned still in his sleep.

"It's time for school. You have only thirty minutes to get ready." I tell him.

"I literally take only five minutes to get ready. Now shoo. Stop acting like papa and maa picked you out of the trash can. Have some manners and let you dear big brother sleep." He told me his voice was still drowsy.

"Ok I will go. Get ready yourself." I said and I think he fell asleep almost immediately in relief of getting his precious sleep.

I am a very good little sister.
And I would never want anything bad for my bhai.

But... Where is the fun. If I let him have a peaceful sleep when I had to get ready early.

I sneakily climb up on his bed and then purposely jump on his back.

He gasps and pushes of the blanket immediately.

"Amara Roy! You are so dead." He yelled as he got up. I looked at him and yelled before dashing out of my room. But he bolted after me. And was very fast.

"If, I catch you today. Only god can save you. You little shit!" He yelled and I threw the handkerchief I had in my hands on his face.

He dodged it and ran after me faster. And just before he could catch me I open maa and papa's room.

Me and Bhai come to an abrupt halt.

Maa had Papa's tie in her hand and papa held maa's waist as his lips were on hers. But as soon as they saw us they both move away. And papa looks away with a hand on his forehead.

Maa looks here and there trying to hide the blush that crept up her cheeks.

As we all keep looking at each other awkwardly. Bhai was the first one to break the silence.

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