00. First things, first.

Start from the beginning

"You have a wrinkle on your dress, Vivienne," her mother remarked, not bothering to spare her a second glance. "I hope you haven't forgotten what I told you yesterday."

    Vivienne sighs. "Yes, I do remember, actually. You've told me the same thing for the past two months, mother." She takes a bite from the apple. "Keep a low profile, got it."

Her mother is staring inently at her, with concerned eyes, that convey the question she knows her mother wants to ask. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

   "Yes, I've told you all a thousand times, this is what I want," she assures them, grateful that her underlying nerves didn't stray in her voice. Of course, she can't lie to herself; Vivienne is nervous about this whole thing. Like really fucking nervous. "I'm gonna be late," she says, kissing them both on the cheek, "bye, bye, love you."

 She is already at the door, her parents' voices slowly drowning out. The Satre girl made her way to the garage. Vivienne unlocked her moped, one that her father had given her this summer for her birthday. It was rusty and paint was dull, slowly chipping off. It was no secret The Satre family had money ─ after all they were one of those families that had connections everywhere due to her father's and uncle's job. Yet, her father Gerard purposely gave her a used moped. Someting about staying humble he would say. 

   Moped had a lock that was always jammed and now she was mentally cursing herself for not waking up earlier.  Last thing she needed right now is to be late. Unjamming the lock (somehow), she hopped on her moped and made her way to school. Vivienne didn't live far from Voltaire High, it was way closer than her last school. Perks of going to a main highschool, she thought.

   The ride was surprisingly calm. Quiet. Just how she liked. Not a soul in sight, except old ladies who are hurrying to get to the market as early as possible.  In the corners of her eyes, Vivienne can see the yellow building. Voltaire High at its mightiest. This is it. She's there. If the brunette didn't feel nervous before, she for sure did now.

 The gate somehow seemed smaller than it used to. Rows and rows of mopeds and bikes swarming the front of the school. Vivienne figured she should do the same; she hopped off her moped and locked it. She knows she needs to enter as soon as possible to see who her homeroom teacher was, yet every step felt like it weighed a ton. Vivienne was a confident girl, sure, she knew she was pretty and smart.  She knew people envied everything about her and that she had nothing to worry about. Although right now, she felt as if she was walking right into the lion's den all alone. The feeling was eating her away.

  Luckily for her, there was another girl about to enter as well.  For a moment there, Vivienne thought she had been the prettiest girl she ever saw. Like Brigitte Bardot type of gorgeous. The girl in question had blonde hair that was neatly tucked in the hairband. She wore a navy blue dress that hugged her curves perfectly. Vivienne thought she was confident, but this girl was radiating confidence with every step she had taken. Brunette figured out she should introduce herself.

  Making her way over, she smiled, "Hey, there," she paused. "Thought I'd have to walk in there all alone."

The Blonde smiled back, "Tell me about it. I've been thinking about it all the way over here," she remarked, taking out her hand. "I'm Annick. Annick Sabiani."

   Even her name screamed Hollywood, Vivienne thought. Shaking other girl's hand, she added, "I'm Vivienne Satre. Love the dress by the way."

Annick, she had learned her name now, just smiled back. Both of the girls were one step near the enterance and Vivienne couldn't explain it, but it was like she had been injected by a new dose of confidence. Maybe it was the fact she wasn't going in there alone or how her and Annick were perfectly contrasting each other; one just as beautiful as the other. One a brunette, wearing a lilac dress and matching headband, the other ─  a blonde wearing a navy blue dress and a matching headband. Something inside her told her, all eyes would be on them.

   Stepping into the school yard, Vivienne had predicted the outcome. School yard, once loud and filled with chatter of the schoolmates who hadn't seen each other since summer, was now dead silent. All the eyes were on Annick and her, as if for every move they made there was a different set of eyes watching them. Two girls shared a glance, trying to find the board.

Vivienne took a moment to look around her. She heard boys whistling and saying something along the words of "Now I'm interested in these two. Take your pick". Take your pick? She was close to saying something, however, her rational side reminded her to shut up and ignore them.

  Although everyone was staring at them, it was one pair of eyes that stood out the most to her. They were piercing right through her. The boy had  longer hair than most of his classmates, and Vivienne had to refrain herself from laughing, seeing that he definitely let his hair grow just because the girls like it. She could tell he was a narcissist just by looking at him. He had noticed her staring and smirked like a Cheshire cat, and Vivienne could've sworn the smirk stretched from one ear to another.

She quickly reverted her eyes towards the board, seeing two other girls there. They looked her age, one was familiar, butcherer's daughter was it? Whereas she had never seen the other girl. Either way they seemed nice, well, besides the staring from earlier. Maybe they were in her class ─ they looked too young to be seniors and too old to be freshmen.

  Her thoughts are interrupted by who she assumed was the dean. All eyes on him now.  "Welcome to Voltaire High. The next three years of your life will shape the rest of your lives," he paused. "In 40 years, you'll still remmember some of your teachers. Some of your essays in philosophy will remain etched in memory. "

Vivienne couldn't help but notice how nervous he seemed, almost like he was going to fall off the stage. He continued, "Some of the students around you here today will become lifelong friends." At that line, Annick and her shared a look. Truth to be told, Vivienne met her just now, yet there was this mutual feeling they shared ─ she was almost certain Annick Sabiani will become her best friend.

  The speech was coming to an end. "Before I let you to go to your homeroom teachers, I'd like you to remind you that this year we're welcoming girls to this school," he looked at all of them, "Gentlemen, I expect you to be as polite, respectful, magnanimous and dignified as I know you can."

Mr. Bellanger is smiling, yet he's the furthest thing from being relaxed. "Welcome to Voltaire High and Happy first day."

  This is it. May the chaos begin.

✶ Author's note...

hi hi my pookies !! the prologue is finally out.

ik it might've been a bit boring, but the next chapters will be exciting i promise. this was just an introduction to her story.

what do u guys think? comment and vote so ik you're enjoying the fic <33

i'm actually so excited with what i have in plan for this fic agsjsjsk you guys are NOT ready !!

ps. english is not my first language so if i do have some mistakes please kindly let me know.

angie, xoxo.

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