Old-Fashioned, Backstreet, Razor Gang.

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"Tell me the truth Michael." I add, my eyes darting to Aurora who looks ready to cut someone. "The Americans don't want to deal with an old fashioned backstreet razor gang. Those days are done!" Michael shouts. A loud entering of the pub, releases some tension. "Tommy, he's bitten through the fucking rope. They've got him cornered but they need fucking help." A Lee brother informs.

"Go, go and get him." I yell and most of the group leave, leaving just me, Aurora, Polly, Michael and Gina. "Tommy, I'm doing this for you. Mums leaving. Johns dead." He says and my eyes flash to Aurora who glares at Michael. "Arthur needs help. Ada's man was killed in your own backyard because you fucked up." Michael jibes, flinching as I throw a bottle into the fire.

"Go on, cut me. Like the good old days. Or see this for what it is. A natural succession that someday must happen." Michael says holding up Auroras switchblade. "I gave you an opportunity Michael. You betrayed me." I say to him. "Michael, give me that before you hurt yourself." Aurora says taking her knife back. "I've killed someone with a knife, Rory." Michael tells her.

"Congratulations, you've killed one man that didn't even have a weapon when you killed him. Try doing it whilst they've got a gun or knife pressed to your head or throat. Try having no weapon, battling people twice your size, see if you have the same result." Rory says.

"I'm a lot more than dangerous than I think you realise. And the only reason you and your bitch are still stood here, is because your mom spent years without you. You haven't even seen half of what I can do, especially when the fog settles. So don't-" She gets cut off by Gina. "Let me guess. Don't fuck with the Peaky Blinders." She says making Michael smirk. "No. Don't fuck with me. Because I don't take shit from no one, especially not someone who loves themselves more than they should." Rory says before she storms out. "Do not be here when we get back." I warn as I follow after Aurora.


"Item number three: an introduction, although now you've already met the man I was going to introduce. In France, he was a comrade." I say. "What the fuck is he now, Tom, eh?" Johnny asks. "He's someone we can use, Johnny." I tell him. "For what? Put him in a ring with a bear and take bets on the outcome? I tell you, I wouldn't put much money on the fucking bear." Aberama suggests.

"Aberama...that man is a trained Royal Marines sniper. Furthermore, he was a criminal profile which will make his actions explicable to the police." I tell him. "What actions?" Charlie questions. "A killing." I state. "And since when did you worry about the police?" Aberama asks. "Barney Thomason is gonna kill an MP. Possibly the future Prime Minister of Great Britain." I inform. "What the fuck, Tom?" Charlie asks.

"After the killing, there will be an investigation by Special Branch and Intelligence Forces. There'll be a lot of powerful people, as angry fucking hornets. We need there to be no connection to us." I say. "And an old comrade is no connection?" Johnny asks. "Not when said comrade is registered as criminally insane. He broke out, he's an old soldier. He has known grievances. No one will question that the assassination was carried out by a single gunman acting alone." I answer.

"If they catch him, they won't hang him, on grounds of insanity. Just send him back to where we found him. He'll have had a very eventful holiday that he'll probably believe never happened." Aurora adds. "And where will this killing take place?" Isaiah asks. "He'll be on stage." I tell him as Arthur hands them each a sheet of paper. "Lots of witnesses." Aberama states.

"During the rally there will be an anti-fascist demonstration. Amidst the confusion, a shot will be fired." I say. "And we're organising this demonstration?" Aberama asks. "Yeah." I nod. "And where will you be, Tom?" Johnny asks. "I'll be down on one knee, cradling his head while the life drains from him. And I'll make a speech, saying how the cause he died for must continue. Continue safe in my hands." I state.

"Tommy, does your ambition have no limits?" Aberama asks me. "Jimmy McCavern will be running security for this event. He'll probably be in the wings. You can take his life, whichever manner you choose." I tell him. "What do you want us to do, Tom?" Johnny asks. "You, Arthur, Isaiah, and a couple of Lee boys will be in charge of getting Barney into position. He'll be up in the lighting gantry." I instruct.

"We'll need chains and a twitch, Tom." Johnny says. "No, I will medicate him." I sigh. "So he's gonna be crossed eyes when he takes the shot at a man less than a yard away from you." Isaiah says. "Welcome to the family, Isaiah." I say sarcastically and Aurora nudges me.

"Charlie, whilst the coppers in Birmingham are called up to Bingley Hall, you take that opportunity to get that boat full of opium up to Stourbridge Docks. There you'll be met by some Chinese gentlemen. They will have two suitcases full of cash. Two hundred and fifty thousand. You will each receive 25 grand in recognition of extra services." I inform.

"Anyone who wants to leave, leave now. Anyone who is tired of this old fashioned, backstreet razor-gang can leave. Anyone who is fucking tired can stop." I add finishing my whiskey, looking around seeing everyone still stood there. "Good. Charlie, go to the yard and light a fire. Johnny, bring the fire around." I instruct.

"What's the fire for, Tom?" Charlie asks. "There's an item number four." I say as Johnny chuckles, heading out the door. "Aurora, love, the map." I say and she slides over to me, map in hand.

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