TWELVE, the bitter taste of my fury

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┌─── ∘°❉°∘ ───┐



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chapter twelve !

└─── °∘❉∘° ───┘

The wilderness was a peaceful place for June to restore her spirit, it was the perfect area to have time to herself without any body disturbing her.

She normally received all of her song ideas from there; when in the woods or forest, she would often come up with the best lyrics.

She sat on a chopped down tree trunk and strummed her guitar, playing through the melodies. "Are you, are you coming to the tree.

Where they strung up a man, they say who murdered three. Strange things did happen here no stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree."

As the girl focused on he singing, from behind her she heard a twig snap. She turned around alarmed to the sound.

To her surprise, Coriolanus Snow stood behind her about to take another step closer to her.

"They said I might find you out here." He explained. Juniper dusted off her blue dress as she set her guitar down, and got to her feet.

"I apologise. I have one foot in the arena, still." She laughs as she shrugs her shoulders. Coriolanus smiled as she laughed, the two stood facing one another.

They hadn't seen each other since the incident at the barn but now it was like nothing had even happened.

The air felt warm around them, the sun shined it's light on both their faces.

Coriolanus could feel the warmth on his skin, he felt a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time.

He walked over towards June and pulled her in for a hug, taking a deep breath of her presence.

"What made you come back?" Coriolanus asks tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Well your Dean Highbottom had made me come back, he sent me home." Juniper says as she fixes the skirt if her dress.

"Wait, Highbottom sent you.. back?" Coriolanus frowns as he asks slowly.

June not taking the hint replies, "Yeah, he paid me and then put me on a train, which led me here." She smiles as she twirls, her skirt flowing with the wind shaking off the pattern.

weeping whispers ⇢ coriolanus snowWhere stories live. Discover now