11.I'm never going to Vegas again

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The guy looked at him in confusion as if he just asked him to solve a complicated problem. "What do you mean."

"He means when does these cards run out of cash." I said answering for Percy, the man in response simply chuckled. "Oh, you're making a joke, that's cool, enjoy your stay."

We took an elevator upstairs to check out our room. It was a suit with three separate bedrooms and a bar loaded to the gills with treats moms wouldn't want their kid's around unsupervised. This place had the works, a giant satellite tv, fluffy hotel towels, and insanely soft beds. There was even a hot tub on the balcony and like the bellhop said a shooting range to launch clay pigeons in the sky before hitting them down.

This place was amazing, to amazing. Maybe to a normal person this was believable but to me, a demigod, this had to be some kind of ruse to get us gobbled up by monsters.

Nonetheless I wouldn't pass up this opportunity, I wasted no time hoping in the shower. It was refreshing after traveling days on end, it also gave me a little bit of time to think about my dream. Really though, who was that guy?

After showering and changing clothes I ate two burgers and some fries. Not long later the others came out as well and went to do their own things with Annabeth watching the National Geographic as Grover at away at some chips with a happy expression.
"Always trying to learn something aintcha bird brain?"

"Shut up it's the best stuff on."

"Of course an Athena kid would say that." I said rolling my eyes as I stood up. "Where you going?"

"Explore a bit," I said stretching. I needed to find out what was the deal with this place, plus I wanted to play a few games.

As I stepped out our room I was met with the sounds of a kid whining.

"Cmon Bianca, come play a game with me!"

"No Nico, I want to go eat something, play by yourself."

Looking over I was met with the sight of two kids around my age. Who really caught my eye was the girl who seemed a bit older than me. I don't know why but.... I felt drawn to her. I don't know whether it was her long slick black hair, or her perfect olive skin but it was like me seeing Selina for the first time only.... Better?

"Why don't I play with you?" I don't remember walking over to them but somehow I ended up talking to them.

They turned to me with a bit of confusion.

"Really?" The boy who was a bit younger asked his eyes lighting up. I nodded with a smirk, "yea if you're ready to lose, Danny by the way." I said bringing out my hand.

He shook it, "in your dreams, and I'm Nico."

"Well Nico, who's this lovely lady you're with?" I asked the black haired boy without thinking, what was wrong with me?

For a second I could have sworn a light pink hue came upon her face but I think I was just imagining it.

"I-I'm Bianca Di'Angelo, his older sister." I nodded before shaking her hand.

"Well let's go," I said with a smirk.

On our way down the elevator my eyes scanned the lobby, with all the stuff in here you could probably stay in here for years without realizing.

"You guys vacationing here?" I asked, I mean probably, they looked like they could pass off as rich kids. "Something like that," Bianca said vaguely making me sense I shouldn't ask further.

"Nico what's your favorite game?" I asked changing the subject. He gave a thoughtful look, "hmm, I don't really know, I think one of the shooting games." Bianca rolled her eyes as if she had expected that much.

Son of Artemis and the lightning thief| Percy Jackson x male ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora