The room was still in some shadows, Kim walked towards the bed and he put on the small lamp from the bedside table. He saw one of the cutest sights he had ever seen. One of the most wonderful images which would always warm his heart.

Tankhun and Porchay were napping, hand in hand, in the middle of the sheets. Tankhun was on his back, his chest moving peacefully. He wasn't having any nightmares. Kim wouldn't have been surprised if his brother would have screamed again in the middle of the night, or even the day. It was something which had always frozen Kim's blood, hearing those sobs and not being able to do anything. He was too young, he was pushed aside by Kinn because no one wanted to have the third child traumatised by the traumatic experience of the older one. It was only when Tankhun stopped to show his uneasiness that Kim was allowed to be around. He still hugged Tankhun, he still drew for him his wishes for his brother to feel better but he couldn't be a part of it and he had been frustrated. Looking at them now, he felt relieved. Their fingers were so tiny intertwined like this, he was soothed by that view.

Porchay was on his left side, peaceful. Strands of hair were falling on his face and he waited to move them. He smiled softly and got his hand closer until a soft whisper got his attention.

"Don't, you will wake him up..." Tankhun eyed him with a satisfied smile witnessing his surprise.

"Not more than you talking...", He whispered back, Porchay still sleeping adorably.

Tankhun eyed him judgmentally before taking his phone at the lowest light in one hand and writing something before showing it to Kim : "Nong, I love him."

Kim smiled and bit his lips. He was shy and if the room wasn't that dark his cheeks would literally be shown as pink as possible. It meant a lot that his oldest brother appreciated Porchay, it meant way more than he had thought, not even thinking first of him meeting the rest of his family. He was still lurking for his father to not be around but Kinn and Tankhun, they were truly different, they might always had been a kind of weakness making him stronger, to be able to protect them, to still doing it in the shadow of his apartment, Porchay wasn't the first one but the one to make him realise that he never had been alone in his heart.

"P'Kim..." Porchay mumbled cutely and they both couldn't stop the brightest smile to appear on their faces. "Sit down..." He added, surprising Kim but he still did it and he sat on the edge of the bed, Tankhun mocking him again silently. However, he melted and began to feel happier when he saw Porchay turning around, still sleepy, embracing Kim's waist and resting his head on his laps. Kim caressed his hair by reflex, he was feeling finally at home and peaceful after all that happened.

Tankhun stared at them in adoration and it was worth it. It might have been weird but he had begun to ask himself why the hell did he protect Porchay like this? It could have cost his life when he didn't really know him. He had a feeling that he was important to Kim and he had been right. He was also having the blissful wind of proudness caressing his face : he moved instead of staying paralyzed, and he felt that the reflex Porchay pushed on him because he didn't want to witness the boy's death would help him to continue looking ahead and he might act again. It wasn't that terrifying anymore or more that it wasn't silencing anymore his own life.

"Porsche! Porsche Porsche! Please wait!" Kinn walked after him when his boyfriend just ignored him and continued through the corridors. He was having enough of his attitude, even if he would recognise that it was understandable, and grab his wrist before pushing him behind a door. Porsche protested but he was soon in the dark before Kinn pulled the light on. It was a closet, the one used by cleaners they engaged to keep their material.

"What do you wa-" Porsche tried to ask but he was stopped by Kinn crushing their lips together and he enjoyed it, so much, it always ended like this, they talked too fast they liked to bring back silence through the whines of lust which would lower down their uncontrolled voice. Kinn pulled away, keeping his hands around Porsche's waist. "That will not always work, Kinn." He menaced with a furrowed eyebrow. He wasn't hating his way but he was waiting for his boyfriend to show him that it wasn't just to shut him up and that he had a real reason to keep in that closet.

"I know...but it helps to cool down your anger." He smiled, caressing his cheek. "Porsche, the day we just had was fantastic, I can't even describe how much I loved it and how much happiness I felt this afternoon, and I am sorry that it ended like this and-"

"And?" Porsche cut him, he didn't want to hear this, he wanted Kinn to get fast to the main reason of their argument.

"And, I shouldn't have let you when Porchay got attacked, and I shouldn't have acted as if Tawan was more important than the situation we had. Then, what we had...I am sorry..."

"Who made you learn to talk like this?" Porsche rolled his eyes, flustered. "You haven't talked this well since our forest farewell..." He refused to look at Kinn. He knew the moment that he would cross his eyes, that all of his barriers would fall down, he was in love.

"I thought that I was losing you back then...and I will be honest, Kim made me realise that I might be here too..."

"Kim is weakening my brother's protection day by day..." Porsche whispered, finally turning his head to him. "So what now?"

"I think that Tawan isn't clear in all of this."

"Everyone knows this COME ON Kinn!" Porsche snapped, his nerves were on too much pressure to support hearing this type of common knowledge.

Kinn giggled lightly, he had to say that he liked this type of Porsche, he loved to be scolded like no one ever tried to do except his father. "Sorry. I have a plan. I think that I should play along and see where he would lead me."

"Play along?"

"Not as in "play with his tongue"..." Kinn sighed loudly knowing exactly what Porsche had thought about. "Just trying to get what he is on, by not totally showing that I am suspicious..."

"Do you think that you know what you are doing?"

"I think. I am not only thinking I will prove it. Porsche, he might know that I want to believe him, he might know that I am trying to trick him, but he can't trick you, okay? Don't let him have power upon you, don't let him think that he won at this, don't get angry and don't let him pierce your heart."

"What? You think I would be the type to answer someone provoking me?" Porsche pouted, knowing well that he also knew exactly that Kinn's answer but also his own about himself would be "yes".

"I love this behaviour on your Porsche, I love to see you roar, but you can't do it in this situation, it is too dangerous, can you promise me?" Kinn asked, hugging him tightly.

"Promise. If you don't ignore me totally! And Chay stays my top priority over your mafia shit!" He said, tightening their hug. "Wait...does this mean that I can still throw a tantrum if he makes you act stupid with me?" Porsche smiled and Kinn could hear it easily at the only sound of his voice.

"I am looking forward to your acting."

❤️‍🩹 Punch didn't hurt as much as the one which broke my heart ❤️‍🩹 KIMCHAY AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt