My Pups!

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Author's pov

Jungkook took Taehyung along with him to his mansion where he lives with his family. All the time Taehyung remained quiet and didn't uttered a single thing as he just sometimes caress his elbow and wiped his tears

Jungkook took time to time glances of him and just focused on driving. Many things to say , many things to ask but nothing came out of either of their mouth. As if they just lost their voice

Once Jungkook reached his mansion he lead Taehyung inside where everyone were already waiting for him and then he narrated all the things that happened and then Taehyung was assigned his own room on jungkook's stubborness who didn't wanted Taehyung to even step inside his room

Taehyung has no idea about how his life is going to turn out but he just went with the flow. He did shifted to Jeon Mansion. He talked very less , interacted very less and only minded his own business

A week passed of their this contract marriage, with both of them ignoring each other and the jeon family trying their best to include Taehyung in every family activity.

Today Mrs. Jeon asked taehyung if he would like to cook something for breakfast along with everyone. Taehyung surely agreed and started to cook with others. Jungkook was kinda shocked because as far as he knows , taehyung didn't knew how to cook

"Tae.. can you pass me that knife?" Jeon Seokjin, Jungkook's eldest brother-in-law asked taehyung who nodded his head and was about to pick the knife but his phone lit up indicating a call. So he quickly picked the call keeping it on speaker before passing the knife to Seokjin

"Hi my bobaball-

"See! I told you! My mumma picks my call in a heartbeat! Hi mumma!!!" Taehyung couldn't help but coo loudly at his baby's excited voice

"Aigoo my lil bobaball. What are you doing?" Taehyung asked as he stirred the eggs in a bowl

"I am on my way to school, mumma. Kai uncle is with us" Taehyung smiled and looked to his side when he felt a gaze on himself. It was jungkook who was staring at him intensely

"Mumma!" Taehyung flinched when he heard his son's loud voice

"Huh yeah what happened?" Taehyung asked as he got back to his work

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, I am making egg rolls" taehyung said and flipped the egg on the pan


"What did you had for breakfast?" Taehyung asked and started chopping some spring onions

"Jennie auntie made pancakes and smoothie"

"Oh. Did you eat everything?" Taehyung asked, a soft smile decorating his face

"Yes mumma"

"Where is Jaehyun?"

"Jae.. jae? Jaehyun?!-

"Yes hyung?"

"Ah there he is" Taehyung breathed in relief. His both pups are ok

"Ok. Walk safetly and also that fused light bulb-

"Uncle!~" taehyung chuckled silently after hearing that whining tone


"I am not a fused light bulb"

"Ok ok, stop pouting. Tell your mom to call me back. She isn't picking my calls" taehyung said and moved back only to feel a hard chest on his back

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