t w e n t y - o n e [last]

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She still hopes that one day.

One day, a boy will come waltzing in her life and make her fall for him.

Become everything he wasn't.

Be her rock.

Be her strength.

And the only one who'll love her equally.

She hopes, that it will come true one day.

And that she'll be his dream girl.

And he'll be her ever after

She may have not been his dream girl.

But he'll always be her first love.


Woo! We've finally reached the end of Dream girl! I feel so proud of myself. lol anyways, i hope you all enjoyed da story.

And I'll see you all next time!

:) x

I really hoped you all enjoyed this shitty story! Byee! x

You [M.C.]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ