I Ash's P.O.V

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I found myself chilling at the Champion Tower on Pummelo Island. There I was, kicking back, watching my squad of wild and crazy Pokémon doing their thing. It was like a circus, but with more fur, scales, and attitude. Now, most trainers would see their Pokémon frolicking, playing tag or some regular game. But not my gang. Nope, they were having their own Olympics, Pokémon-style.

On one side, you got the Grass-type critters locked in a chess showdown. I mean, who knew Bulbasaur had a strategic mind, right? But there he was, claiming victory like a boss. Check and mate, folks. And then, oh boy, the Fighting-type Pokémon were throwing down in a full-blown martial arts brawl. It was like a street fight, but with more tail sweeps and high kicks. Annihilape, the muscle-bound champ, took the crown. No surprise there. Dude's got arms like tree trunks.

But the real spectacle was up in the sky, where my dragons were unleashing a full-scale dragon war. Charizard was up there, flexing his wings and scaring the bejeezus out of the others. It was like a fire-breathing, wing-flapping WWE match, and Charizard was the undisputed king of the sky.

So, there I sat on top of the Champion Tower, the wind tousling my hair, surrounded by the chaos of my Pokémon's antics. And at that moment, I wasn't just the Champion; I was the happiest Pokémon Trainer on the planet. Because, in the end, it wasn't about badges or battles; it was about the bond between a trainer and my wild bunch of Pokémon misfits. And that, my friends, was the real victory. They weren't just Pokémon; they were a family, a crazy, lovable, and downright insane family.

Amidst the Pokémon pandemonium on the Champion Tower, Pikachu and I were doubled over, belly laughing like there was not tomorrow. I mean, who wouldn't crack up at the sight of Bulbasaur playing chess like a grandmaster or Annihilape dropkicking his way to victory? It was comedy gold. This wasn't your everyday Pokémon playdate; it was a full-blown Pokémon extravaganza, and I was the ringleader. The Orange Islands had never seen anything like it.

As the chaos continued, Pikachu nudged me and pointed towards the sky where Charizard was doing loop-de-loops, showing off like the flamethrower rockstar he was. Pikachu giggled, "Look at Charizard go! He's the king of the sky!"

I grinned, "Yeah, he thinks he's the boss up there, doesn't he?"

Pikachu nodded, then gestured towards the Grass-type crew deep in chess concentration. "And Bulbasaur, strategic genius! Chess master!" Pikachu shot me a look, cheeks crackling with electric excitement. "Did you see that, Ash? Bulbasaur is a chess genius! I never knew!"

I wiped a tear from my eye, still chuckling. "I know, right? And did you catch Annihilape? That guy's moves are like something out of a kung fu movie! It's like my Pokémon are all secretly training for the Pokémon Olympics or something!"

Pikachu nodded enthusiastically, ears twitching with joy. "Pokémon Olympics! I like it! Maybe next time we get bored, we should organize it!"

"No!" I shouted, eyes widening in fear. "None of you should be organizing anything when you are bored. Lugia! That will only end up in disaster!"

Pikachu agreed with a hearty "Pika!" before turning a bit serious. He looked at me, eyes sparkling with emotion. Pikachu animatedly recounted his adventures with Umbreon, his mate, and Jolteon, their energetic daughter. Pikachu's cheeks practically sparkled as he spoke, narrating tales of family outings, thunderbolt tag, and nights spent stargazing. I couldn't help but feel warm inside, seeing Pikachu so happy with his little clan.

Then, with a mischievous glint in my eye, I leaned closer. "You know what, Pikachu? Gary and I had a little adventure too!"

Pikachu's ears perked up; curiosity written all over his face. I grinned, launching into a vivid description of the romantic date Gary had taken me on the other night. I painted a picture of starlit skies, moonlit walks, and the little surprises Gary had pulled out of his sleeve. Pikachu's eyes widened with each detail, and I couldn't help but feel a goofy satisfaction at sharing my own bit of joy.

And there they sat, atop the chaos of the Champion Tower, Pikachu giggling and I grinning from ear to ear. In the midst of the Pokémon mayhem, we weren't just Trainer and Pokémon; we were brothers, sharing laughs, tales of family, and the occasional romantic escapade.

As we continued swapping stories and laughing like there was no tomorrow, a gust of wind swept through, ruffling Pikachu's fur. We turned around, and there she was – the majestic Pidgeot, wings outstretched, feathers gleaming in the sunlight. My's eyes lit up, and I beamed at her like she was the hero of a blockbuster movie.

"Pidgeot, you beauty!" I exclaimed, giving her a grateful pat on the feathers. "You ready for a joyride?"

Pidgeot let out a triumphant screech, "Always, Ash!"

With a swift motion, I hoisted myself onto Pidgeot's back. She crouched low, and with a powerful leap, we took off into the sky. The wind whooshed past us, and I couldn't help but close my eyes, soaking in the freedom and exhilaration of flying. Pikachu, clinging onto my shoulder, squealed in delight, his ears flapping like little wings.

For a moment, it was just the rush of wind, the beating of Pidgeot's wings, and the shared joy between trainer and Pokémon. I felt alive, weightless, and utterly content. I opened my eyes, and the view was breathtaking. Pummelo Island stretched below us like a patchwork quilt of greens and blues, and the sea sparkled in the sunlight.

But the real surprise came when I turned his head to see what was happening behind us. My eyes widened, and a grin spread across my face like the sunrise. There, in perfect formation, was the rest of my Flying-type Pokémon crew. Noctowl led the pack, wings spread wide, followed by Swellow, Glalie, Skarmory, Ninjask, and the enigmatic Shedinja. My two Butterfree fluttered gracefully, synchronized with Staraptor, Rowlet, Unfezant, Kilowattrel, and Talonflame.

It was a sight to behold – a sky parade of feathers, fur, and wings. Each Pokémon in their own element, soaring together like a harmonious dance. I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and warmth in my chest. These weren't just Pokémon; they were my partners in crime, my buddies in the skies. The sun began its descent, casting a golden glow on the spectacle below. It was a moment frozen in time, a snapshot of happiness, freedom, and the unbreakable bond between a Pokémon Master and his flying entourage.

I leaned close to Pikachu, shouting over the wind, "Pikachu, look at this! Our own airborne family reunion!"

Pikachu's eyes sparkled with pure joy, and he joined in the cheering. "Family flight!"

As Pidgeot soared higher into the skies, I couldn't help but turn my gaze downward, my eyes tracing the contours of Pummelo Island. The sun, now a glowing orb on the horizon, cast a warm, golden hue over the landscape. The waves below played a rhythmic melody against the shore, a soothing serenade that seemed to resonate with the beating of my heart.

I beamed with pride, taking in the panoramic beauty of the Islands I had come to call home. From this height, the islands looked like pieces of a puzzle, snugly fitting together to create a picture-perfect paradise. It wasn't just a collection of land and sea; it was my responsibility, my backyard, my playground. The very thought filled me with a sense of purpose.

The wind tousled my hair as I soaked in the beauty, and I couldn't help but marvel at the spectacle unfolding beneath them. Pummelo Island, with its lush greenery and pristine beaches, stretched out like a canvas painted by nature herself. The sight was nothing short of breathtaking.

As they circled the island, my eyes sparkled with determination. I knew I had a job to do, a promise to fulfill. The Orange Islands had entrusted me with the title of Champion, and I wasn't about to take that lightly. It wasn't just about battles and badges; it was about safeguarding the beauty that lay beneath us.

"We've got a duty, Pikachu," I said, my voice carried away by the wind. "This Islands, it's more than just a bunch of islands. It's home. And we are gonna do whatever it takes to keep it safe and happy."

Pikachu nodded, his cheeks buzzing with agreement. "There will be Distortion World to pay to anyone daring to lay claim on our islands!"

And as the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows across the landscape, I made a silent vow to myself. I'd become the best darn Champion the Orange Islands had ever seen. It wasn't just a title; it was a promise to my Pokémon, my friends, and the land that had given me so much. High above Pummelo Island, I, Ash Ketchum, with Pikachu on my shoulder and a sky full of flying Pokémon, embraced the call of duty with a heart full of determination and a smile as bright as the setting sun.

The Champion Stage {Path of the Aura Ranger: Book III}Where stories live. Discover now