"You all good, Ame?" Australia questioned

"No, I'm not." America replied.

"Uh wanna elaborate?" I asked

"It got out, and someone told UN there's gonna be a big meeting, and more people may come." He ranted

"Wait, who told?" New Zealand questioned

"I don't know. I knew it was going to happen. I'm just still annoyed." He answered as he walked off to the kitchen. We all looked at each other.

"So uh, that's something?" Canada started

"It really is 'something'." Britain repeated.

"So uh wanna make bets on who will be here next?" Australia asked

"Sure!" New Zealand agreed

"Isn't that like not nice to America-" Canada started

"Canada, just place a bet on somebody. Don't be a party pooper!" I laughed.

"Ok, I bet sixty bucks on Germany." Britain started

"Really, Germany!?" I started "seventy on China!"

"Why him?" Aussie asked

"Russia probably told him he was here, and so I think he'll wanna visit and see what's up with America and what he can hold against him." I explained

"Well, I put seventy on...Japan!" Australia announced

"Sixity on Spain." New Zealand added "Canada?"

"Uh, I don't know fifty on Mexico." Canada added.

"Ok, but if you lose, you better pay up!" Britain grinned.

<Massachusetts pov>

We crept into the kitchen and saw dad making coffee. Florida and Illinois quietly grabbed the blender and set it up. America eyed us warily but quickly left seemingly annoyed. We shrugged it off and started to make our masterpiece

"First, let's do mayonnaise!" Alabama giggled

"Oh yes, then mustard!" Florida cackled. I ran over to the fridge and grabbed mayonnaise and mustard. I came back and squirted a good bit of each into the blender.

"Then pickles!" Arkansas added. This time, Florida ran and grabbed them from the fridge. He put three in with a fork.

"Also get the old mashed potatoes in the back of the fridge." I added.

Florida opened the fridge back up and asked, "How do you know it's back here?"

"I just do!" I responded. Florida used the same fork as before to scrape the contents of the plastic bin out into the blender.

"Get an egg." Illinois whispered

"Stop, you're gonna give them salmonella!" Arkansas exclaimed

"It'll be fine!" Illinois shouted, still laughing.

Florida got an egg and was just about to crack it before asking "shell or no shell?"

"Ew, no shell." Arkansas said with a disgusted face.

"This whole thing is awful, I say, shell." I answered

"Shell." Texas laughed

"Agreed!" Alabama whispered

"Alrighty!" Florida said as he tossed the egg in with the shell "ima get hot sauce!"

"That's a good one!" Arkansas Complimented

"Oh, get the pepperoni!" Alabama requested. Florida got both ingredients and put them in.

"Add the old brownies with mustard, then get tomatoes." Texas instructed

"Stop, that's horrid!" Arkansas exclaimed

"That's the pointer partner!" Texas laughed

"That's why we brought you Texas for that amazing energy!" I yelled with a smile. Florida added it in as instructed giggling while doing so.

"Ready?" Illinois asked

"Yep!" I smiled

"Ok!" Florida grinned before popping the top of the blinder on and blinding it up. "Grab cups with tops and straws!"

"Ok!" Alabama shouted as he skipped to the cabinet.

We poured it into the cups, then waltzed into the living room. We saw all the English country's -America +France.

"We made you guys a drink!" I exclaimed

"Oh, thank you!" New Zealand gasped as she took a cup from Alabama. They each got one, then Australia took a sip. His eyes got watery, he spit it out (and if you asked me a little came out of his nose)

"Ew, Aussie!" Canada exclaimed

"Is it bad?" Illinois asked, putting on a sad face.

"Yes! Very bad, " Australia shouted

"No, I bet it's not. Let me try it!" France defended. She took a sip and dropped the cup. She stilled up and struggled to swallow.

"Oh god..." New Zealand muttered

"France, are you alright?" UK whispered

"No..." She mumbled

<Rhode Island>

"Help me!" New Hampshire screeched from below me. I glanced down from the tree branch I was sitting on to see him about to fall off.

"New Hamp, what the!?" I exclaimed and reached down to grab his hand. "I thought you were good!"

"I was, but I slipped!" He whined. "And you're like so tiny. Can you pull me up?"

I frowned and yanked him up. "Shut up, weirdo." I said as I readjusted my own position on the branch I was on. He climbed up to be by me.

"When's the sun gonna set?" He asked

"Probably soon." I replied

"Wanna watch it together?" He questioned

"Sure!" I said as I smiled.

We sat there until the sun started to go down, and beautiful colors formed in the sky. The moon started to come up behind us, and the clouds made the sunlight shine out in tiny beams. The sky was in so many colors from Reds and oranges to purple, pink, and bright blood red.

I smiled even brighter and put my arm around New Hampshire he leaned into me, and we sat there til it was dark.

Then he faceplanted into the ground, and I would not deny that I loudly cackled.

1792 words

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