Chapter 8: The Masacre.

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"About, 5 Years ago..." Jason said, looking up at everyone in the room, "I joined group of part-time criminals..." Jason closed his eyes, and began to tell his story.

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Jason, Andy, Daniel, Mathew, Sean, and Markus were all once some wannabe, part-time criminal masterminds. They had called themselves "Warehouse Gang," and had performed some break-ins for about 2 years without fail. Jason would always be the one to plan the break-in's, earning him the name, "The Plotter." Jason wasn't exactly proud of his criminal history, not even remotely; it was just what he did to make ends meet back in his hometown, New Harmony, Utah. At the same time, however, he found himself enjoying his time with his pals in the Warehouse Gang. Mathew always would have insane conspiracy theories to tell, Sean would always talk about his home back in Ireland, Andy was always making new suits with materials she bought with the money they group would steal, Daniel would always be editing a video on the side, and Nathan would always be singing songs. but Jason felt like the odd one out until he got to know Markus. Jason and Markus both had one thing in common, they had ADHD, and they both had to take medication just to keep themselves from losing focus. That caused them to get along easily, they both had something to relate to. But then, everything changed for the worst.

"Hey gang," Markus said one morning over winter break. The Group all looked him, smiling.
"Hey Boss." Mathew and Daniel said.
"Howdy." Nathan said.
"Hello, hello~!" Andy would say.
"Top of the Morning to ya, Markus~!" Sean said.
"Heya Markus," Jason said, "what's up?" Markus pulled some blueprints from his back pocket, and placed them onto the table, it was for a warehouse owned by Fazbear Entertainment.

"I found these Blueprints for a warehouse..." Markus said, "Owned by Fazbear Entertainment..." Markus smiled excitedly.

"I hear there's only one guard for the entire place~!" Markus said as he pointed to the only security office in the warehouse area of the building. The others quickly chimed in with their own assurances.

"He probably wouldn't get payed enough if we broke in," Mathew stated, "After all, I've heard Fazbear Entertainment doesn't pay too well."
"I hear the guards are trained with prerecorded Messaged," Daniel added, "My friend Jerika told me about that."
"Even if he did care," Andie said, grabbing her favorite baseball bat, "We could easily just knock him out." Jason then sighed.

"Sure," Jason said, "but only because I've always wanted to take a walk in there myself." Jason smirked... he would never admit it at the time, but he was a big fan of anything Freddy's related. He would do anything just to see what was in that warehouse. It was in that moment that the Warehouse Gang, the group of the gang of quote unquote "Criminal Masterminds" decided it would be a good idea to rob the Fazbear Warehouse right at midnight. Jason, of course, had started making the plans.

"Ok," Jason said after a few hours went by, everyone in the room having waited for him to finish. "Daniel," Jason remarked, "I'll need you and Nathan to handle the backroom areas, leave no stone unturned."
"Rodger that." Daniel said.
"Copy that boss..." Nathan replied.
"Mathew," Jason said, looking at Mathew and Sean, "You and Sean will be on collection duty; grab everything of value, we can split the difference after."
"Sounds like a plan~!" Mathew remarked.
"Got it~!" Sean added.
"Andy," Jason turned to Andy, "You're our hulk; smash up the place and make sure it's a wreck."
"Hell yeah~!" Andy said, her eyes flaring with violence, "I get to smash shit!"
"Markus," Jason said, looking at Markus, "You're on patrol and look out duty..."
"You got it," Markus said, "I'll make sure nothing sneaks up on us."
"And finally, me," Jason said, "I'll be keeping an eye on the Cameras and making sure everyone is doing their jobs." Everyone in the room nodded as Jason got up.

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