Unsual day with Mihawk(s)

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Perhaps this was one of Yidhra's doing, she is the only witch in this forest and the only one who is capable of using magic. If this wasn't her doing, then Mihawk did not know who else. The swordsman heavily sighed as he watched two individuals in front of him who happened to share the same face of him, one was 10 years old and the other was 17 years old.

At first, the swordsman had suspected that they might be some kind of imposter but after a few exchanged words, he found out they shared his memories of his youth with the witch. And judging from Yidhra's ability, he had no doubt that she might accidentally or intentionally mess up with the timeline and bring his younger self here.

Mihawk thought maybe he should have a discussion with his mentor.


"Oh dear. I would not think I have a chance to see little dalta once again~"

As soon as the three of them stepped into the living room where Yidhra spent her time reading on the sofa, 10 year old Mihawk immediately rushed at her side to her surprise. She put the book down on the table, then pulled the little boy into her embrace and nuzzled with him, much to the other two's discomfort.

They once received the same treatment! Why is it different now?!

Mihawk had something stirred at the back of his mind for an answer, but he brushed it aside and got straight to the point.

"Is this not your doing, mentor?"

Yidhra looked up from her position, still holding little Mihawk "Unfortunately, no, nor I know who was behind it." Her eyes moved to teenage Mihawk as he sat on the other side of her "If I ever did something similar, it would be transforming thee into thy younger self."

"So you did plan on doing that." This was not a question.

Yidhra just grinned instead of answering and used her magic to check child Mihawk's status, then she did the same with teenage Mihawk. Her expression showed that she had discovered something, she beckoned adult Mihawk to come closer. He did so without question. After she finished checking them up, he asked "Did you find something unusual?"

"I did. Two of them art actually parts of thee, not separated individuals." The witch explained with amusement, child Mihawk laid down on her lap and received glares from other two "To be specific, ye three art the same person. Thou just happened to split into three."

"That's inconvenient." Adult Mihawk grabbed child Mihawk by the back of his shirt, lifted him up from the witch's lap much to the child's protest. He then positioned himself next to the witch, leaving the child out of any slot near the witch on the sofa "There can only be one Dracule Mihawk in this place."

Yidhra chuckled as the three of them glared at each other, she found this very amusing. Well, it's not everyday you have a chance to see different stages of the strongest swordsman fighting over something, moreover, he was her pupil which was intriguing. But the witch could tell that 10 year old Mihawk had no chance of winning in a strength fight, so she decided to get the child out of here. Three Mihawk were surprised when the witch scooped child Mihawk up, holding him in her arms.

"Worry not. These kinds of accidents shall vanish as fast as they come. Until then, try not to destroy the castle."

"Where are you taking him?" Teenage Mihawk asked when he saw the witch carrying child Mihawk out of the living room.

"Having some time to relax with little dalta before this ends." She answered with an innocent smile. Child Mihawk was clinging on her shoulders, he had a victorious grin on his feature as he faced his two older selves. Judging from the direction Yidhra was taking, the other two Mihawk immediately stood up because that way led to the bathroom.

[Mihawk x Reader] The strongest swordsman who was raised by a witchWhere stories live. Discover now