Chapter 13

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(Hayes pov)

I was just chilling on my bed after dinner when I got extremely bored so I decided to go for a night time jog. It wasn't really late but it was 8:30, so I put on nike gym shorts, a t-shirt from school, and my Nike tennis shoes. I grabbed headphones and plugged them into my phone and headed out. I was jogging for a long time when I stopped in the park and sat on the park fountain to catch my breath. I always go running when I need to clear my mind and right now I really needed to think for a little bit. 

I got up and started running again. I headed to the football field next. I always liked to do this. Go for runs but on my way stop by my favorite places to sit and think. I was running back passed the neighborhood on my way to the football field when I saw Mia. I was about to holler out her name when I saw Christian give her a hug goodbye and she turned around and began to walk off. I didn't want her to know I was here and that I saw her. She would think I was stalking her. I wasn't though. I picked up the pace, focusing on my destination. The field.

(Mia's P.O.V.)

I helped Christian's mom put up the dishes and then he walked me out. He gave me a hug and we said goodbye. I turned and walked down the steps as I saw a jogger pass by. I figured it was some guy. I started to walk home in the dark. Christian offered to walk me home but I declined because I needed some time to think on my own.

I was headed for the park because I needed to clear my head and I wasn't ready to go home yet. When I got to the park I took a seat on the swings. I was alone out here and honestly I enjoyed it. I thought about the whole situation with Christian and Hayes. I thought about my old friends and Tiffany. How would I explain my suitcases or my absence over the next week or so. I enjoyed my night with Christian because it felt like my old life, it felt like everything was back to normal for once. I was still smiling thinking about it. I care about Hayes so much, but things with him would never be normal. He would never be mine. He will always be his fans, which I accept but I can't always go on tour with him. He can't always be around like he is now. 

I needed to tell him now. I can't go on tour with him. I don't think I can date him either. I can be his friend though.

"To: Hayes

Hey Hayes, meet me at the park please? It's kind of important."


Be there in a few."

I sat there practicing what I would say. I felt like I was going to propose. I felt nervous and scared. I ran through what I had decided to say so many times but when he walked up I had forgot it all. He had his shirt in his hand and in the other hand he had headphones and his phone. He was hot and sweaty but he still looked so good. I didn't remember a word I was going to say. He sloppily smiled while looking down and took a seat in the swing next to me. "So whats up?" He sounded tired and upset almost. I didn't remember what I was going to say but I knew I couldn't look him in the eye while I told him.

"Hayes, I can't-" He cut me off, "You can't go on tour with me?" He said questioningly while looking up out onto the park. "How did you know?", I asked. He sighed, "I saw you tonight at Christian's, you looked happy with him and I knew after that you would never come. Will you tell me why though?" He looked at me and I made the mistake of looking into his eyes.

"Hayes I'm so sorry, it's just that...this isn't my life, going on tour and traveling. The fans and the fame. That isn't my life, it's yours. I care about you so much but I can't always be there and you can't always be here. It's not going to work out and you'll never fully b e mine without upsetting the fans and I don't want to hold you back from them. I don't see it working out this way.Believe me, I want it to but I can't hold you back from doing what you love. It's not my life and it would be hard for me to do school and how would I tell my friends. I will always be your neighbor and your friend but maybe for now that's all I need to be."

He looked at me and smiled half heartily. He stood up and so did I. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. I held him tightly while he pulled me closer into his bare chest. I was upset but at the same time happy because he isn't mad. He let go and said, "Maybe one day when I'm a washed up nobody, I can take you on another date." We both laughed and then he nudged my arm. "Come on, I'll walk you home." 

(Hayes P.O.V.)

I woke up the next morning and my mom had my bags downstairs by the door ready to go. She smiled at me and asked, "You ready to go to the airport?" I had decided to leave a few days earlier because if Mia wasn't I don't want to stick around because it still kinda hurts to see her because I know now that I can't make her happy. "Yeah, let's go." We loaded up the luggage and headed to the car. It was 4:30a.m because my flight leaves at 6 and we need to get there early.

When we arrived at the airport there was still a few minutes before I had to get on the plane. My mom gave me a kiss and a hug and told me to be safe. I waved goodbye and then got on the plane to California. It took a little while before we took off. Once we did I stared out the window looking down on what I was leaving behind. It wasn't my first tour so I've been on many flights this one wasn't different. I looked next to me to see this sweet looking old man all alone sitting next to me where Mia should be. "Why the sad face son?" I smiled and then looked back out the window before turning back to the old man.

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