30 million dollars?!

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Gojo and I effortlessly defeated the guy, him already knocked out and leaning against the tree.

"Let's send Suguru a pic! Come on, y/n! Pose for the photo." Gojo smiled, pulling me in for a picture as the guy was seen behind us.

Gojo put up a piece sign while I stuck my tongue out. "Awesome, now let me take one with just you." He suggested while I looked confused, but complied.

I put my hands behind my head, lifting up my hair as I angled my chin upwards. I smirked as the photo was taken. Gojo smiled as he messed with his phone a bit, soon putting it in his pocket.

"Thanks." Is all he said, a grin ever so present on his face. Since his older self flirted with me endlessly, I kind of know when not to blush.

"What was that for anyway?" I asked him, soon walking towards the building so we could meet up with Suguru.

"Oh, just a little something for me. You know, whenever I want to see a hot chick." Gojo shrugged, whistling as I turned to look at him with a smile.


Gojo held Riko in his arms, the three of us staring at her unconscious form. "Should we get her to a doctor?" Gojo asked us, looking down at Riko with a blank stare.

"It's times like this I wish I could use reversed cursed energy like Shoko can." Geto sighed, looking away with a small pout.

"Yeah, that's impossible. I can't understand a word she says when she's talking about it." Gojo deadpanned, the two of them suddenly remembering her words.

I chuckled at the two, putting a hand on each of their shoulders. "She'll be fine. There are no major injuries. So she'll wake up any minute now." I reassured them, soon standing beside Geto while taking my phone out.

I'm gonna get a pic of Gojo being smacked.

Right as I took my phone out, Riko started to stir in Gojo's arms. She fluttered her eyes open, looking up at Gojo while he stared down at her.

"You're awake." Gojo commented. A few seconds passed and Riko immediately gave Gojo a harsh smack on his cheek. I quickly took a pic of it, snickering as I showed Geto the photo.

He grinned at it. "Send it to me later." He whispered to me as I nodded, pocketing my phone.

Riko hopped away from Gojo and glared at us. "You scum! If you think you're gonna kill me, you better be ready to die first!" She yelled, getting into a weird fighting stance.

Gojo held his cheek in irritation while I looked at him in amusement. Geto walked over to Gojo and put a hand on his shoulder, wanting to prevent any unnecessary fights from happening.

"Would you please calm down, Riko? You have it all wrong. We're not members of the group that attacked you earlier." Geto reassured her with his usual smile.

That smile always makes me swoon. "You're a liar! It's written all over your face! And what's up with those crazy bangs?!" Riko yelled as I pursed my lips.

I sighed, knowing she ticked off Geto now. "Well, there's no getting out of this one, Riko." I smiled at her. She looked at me in confusion.

I then watched as Geto and Gojo immediately grabbed her legs and arms, twisting her body and pulling her.

Riko squealed in pain as the doors to the elevator opened. Out came Kuroi, riding atop of Geto's curse.

"This is disrespectful!" Riko yelled, but Geto and Gojo ignored her.

"You were disrespectful first." I called out to her, going over to the couch and sitting on it.

"Everyone, please stop what you're doing!" Kuroi suddenly yelled.

Semi-perfect world (Jujutsu kaisen men x Fem! Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя