Yet, because that person was highly popular, the incident caused quite a sensation at the time. Later, for some unknown reason, all information about it was suppressed, and people were forbidden to discuss it further. The matter of that person was eventually forgotten.

Xu Xue was also curious about why the cause of that person's death was concealed. At that time, his interest was not in this area, and he only casually glanced at the initial news. He felt a bit regretful in his heart, and that was all.

Because of this, he only realized it now.

The person in front of him, Kevin, had no difference from that player in every aspect except for the name, even using the same weapon. Xu Xue believed that there couldn't be two people so similar in the world.

What was going on? That person had indeed died, and there was no chance for a resurrection. Or could it be that this game saved the data of some players and randomly generated them in the levels?

This was obviously against certain laws, but it couldn't be ruled out that the player's family had signed some agreement.

In any case, no matter what, this person couldn't be a real player. Xu Xue recalled how he had killed Alan earlier and felt a sudden alertness.

In some levels, monsters would disguise themselves as players' companions, and their high intelligence made them difficult to distinguish. Generally, encountering such levels would result in a large number of deaths and injuries. Could it be that the current situation was similar?

Xu Xue became vigilant, looking at Kevin. He saw Kevin walking naturally in this dim corridor, as if he was very familiar with it, and even when a monster emerged, Kevin effortlessly killed it, with a slight smile on his face.

In ordinary times, Xu Xue would only think that Kevin was very powerful. However, now he found Kevin suspicious no matter how he looked at him.

And the ‘little prince with the spicy strips’¹ on the side also looked very nervous, evidently noticing something unusual.

Xu Xue thought that dealing with this cunning opponent alone would be difficult. Only by teaming up with the ‘Spicy Stick Prince’ would there be hope of clearing the level. If they had recognized the person earlier, the four of them joining forces would have made things much easier.

But thinking about this now seems meaningless.

At this moment, the three of them are getting closer to the study.

Xu Xue doesn't believe that the person disguised as a monster will really lead them to the right room. However, given the opponent's formidable strength, any reckless actions could lead to a total wipeout.

After turning a corner, a few more monsters appeared. Kevin immediately took action, displaying a graceful movement as he drew his bow and arrows, determined to ignore the creatures approaching.

The fresh blood stained the surroundings.

In that moment, Xu Xue suddenly approached Shao Ci, grabbing his arm.

"Eh?" Shao Ci hadn't reacted yet.

Kevin in front turned around, his eyes suddenly becoming icy.

Xu Xue pulled Shao Ci back several steps, then quickly took out a book, silently reciting something. The space around them immediately distorted.

Shao Ci: "! Teleportation skill?!"

Suddenly, black mist surrounded them. Xu Xue gritted his teeth, calmly continuing the incantation. The two figures disappeared into the void.

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