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Doesn't hold your fear captive

Or make it disappear

Rather, it makes you look right in its eyes

And stand tall even with your knees knocking against each other

Doesn't lessen the pain when the going gets tough

Rather, it reminds you the reason why

And makes you hang in there

Even when you feel like you can't take it anymore

Doesn't bring the sky closer to you

When you want to fly to the moon

Rather, it brings the believe that you can

And insist that you find the means to get there

Doesn't turn into a cushion

When you come hurling down from the sky

Rather, it persist that you get back on your feet again

And go back to the drawing board to see where you went wrong

Doesn't take the world away

When it is mocking and laughing at you

Rather, it teaches you not be afraid of making mistakes and to

never allow criticism from outsiders to stop you from living your purpose

It would never in a blue moon

Allow you to live down to people's expectations

Rather, it insists that you be real and authentic to the core

As you chase your dreams and run towards the vision

Because there is no victory without pain

No success without sacrifice

and no courage without fear 

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