The Lord of Malevolence

Start from the beginning

"The Thorn Fairy who rules over a dark mountain. Controller of thunderclouds and briars, she possessed insurmountable magical might. A noble fairy who employed many servants, yet still retained a proud independence." A voice said, behind them, making them turn, seeing Malleus and two others by his side.

"...So says the inscription. Our dorm, Diasomnia, is built upon the ideals of her noble spirit." He said.

(Y/n) waved, "Morning, Tsunotarou."

Midoriya smiled, "Good morning, Malleus-senpai!"

Shoto nodded, "Morning..."

Sebek's eyes widen, "T-T-Tsunotarou...?!" He walked up to the female, "How dare you address my liege that way! I'll have you know this man is the heir apparent of Briar Valley, the housewarden of the revered Diasomnia dormitory...And the leader of the noble creatures of the night. He is Malleus Draconia! Bow down and apologize for you transgression, human!"

The four were startled by the sheer volume of his voice, as the Diasomnia males seemed used to it.

"Whoa, I remember this dude! He's that loudmouth who was at the coliseum during the culture fair!" Grim exclaimed.

The dual haired tilted her head, "You're in class 1-D, right?"

"I am Sebek Zigvolt, loyal retainer to my liege! But enough about me. I demand you apologize this instant!" He pointed accusingly at her.

Malleus smirked, "It's fine, Sebek. I am the one who permitted this child of man to call me by the nickname Tsunotarou."

His eyes widen, looking at him, "Truly...? Oh, I see." His whole aura changed and smiled, "Of course you did, my liege! Your heart is broader than the seas!"

Silver sighed, "Sebek, I think you're the one who needs to apologize after that unnecessary tirade. After all, you were just rude to Malleus's friends."

He glared at him, "Rgh...I don't need a lecture from someone who just stood there staring blankly, Silver!"

"What's up with these guys? They're even more annoying than the last time we saw 'em." Grim deadpanned, as the rest nodded.

The horned male looked at the female, "(Y/n), are you interested in the legend of the Thorn Fairy? I would be glad to answer any questioned you have to the best of my ability."

(Y/n) looked at him, "Did people exclude her from things a lot?" She questioned, confusing the three behind her.

"Exclude her...?" He repeated, confused.

Zebek's eyes were wide, before his brows furrowed, "The temerity! How could you even suggest that about one of the honorable Great Seven?! The Thorn Fairy's power was greater than anyone's, and she possessed the noblest of spirits. She commanded the utmost respect. The very idea of people excluding her is ridiculous!"

"I'm not certain about that." Malleus spoke up, looking at the statue, "I imagine people feared her and kept her at arm's length specifically because of how exceptional she was. Respect grows into awe, and over time, awe turns into dread. Such is the way of things."

"Anyone foolish enough to fear the Thorn Fairy for such a trivial reason might as well be dirt. And there's nothing to be gained from worrying about a little dirt!" He looked at the female, "Refrain from pestering my liege with such impertinent questions, human!"

"Man, this guy's the definition of condescending! News flash, buddy, you ain't the Thorn Fairy!" The feline said.

"Sebek, let it go." Silver said.

Suddenly footsteps ran in their direction.

"Oh fiddlesticks, I'm late!" Lilia exclaimed.

The black haired male's eyes widen slightly, "...Lilia? Why are you in such a hurry?"

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