I don't wanna

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I've lived in this mansion since I could remember. Slendy, the one who's been my one and only parent took me in when my real parents didn't want me... or so he says.
Everyone in the mansion is like my family, they're like siblings to me and I appreciate everything they've done for me.
But it's time for me to go, I'm only 10 and Slendy doesn't think that I should be living in this short of atmosphere.
I asked him why not, he said that ever since around 8 when I finally started to get the jist of what my family did that I've taken a turn for the worst. So now he's sending me to go live with some scary people I don't know until I'm old enough to come back and fully understand the meaning of murder and why I should or shouldn't do it.
" Your so mean, " I screamed at Slendy as he picks me up, " I don't wanna leave! "
" to bad sena. "
" Your just like my no good parents! Handing me off to someone else because you don't want me anymore! I hate you! " I yelled at the tall, thin man while pounding on his back.
" It's not at all like that Sena, I wish that you could stay but you've become a little to comfortable with the thought of killing at your age. Once you've grown up a bit and understand what it means to be a killer you can come back, but until then you'll be going to a place where they'll treat you just as nice as we do, " cooed Slendy in a reassuring voice.
With tears streaming down my chubby, red cheeks I look at Slendy and cry the words, " do you promise I'll get to come back? "
Whipping away my tears Slendy says " Yes, sena I promise. "
And that's how my life in the real world started. I was lonely, and now my "parents" were making me attend school. It was really hard, considering I never went to school before. Everything I learned was from Slendy and the others. Slendy was actully really smart and I knew alot for my age but I struggled in math alot.
It had only been a year since Slendy dropped me off here. He came to see me sometimes which was nice but visits were often cut short by my stupid fake parents telling me to go to bed. They didn't know about Slendy and the others. After Slendy dropped me off here he whipped their memories, so they think I'm their actul daughter. It's kinda scary realizing the things that Slendy is capable of.
Since I'm 11 now I just have to wait about 4 more years tell I can go back. Slendy said at around 15 I'd be able to live back at the mansion.
I didn't have many friends at school but that was ok, considering it would be easier for me to leave them without feeling hurt when the time came that I had to go back to my real home. I did have two very close friends though, saryna and salyca are their names. They're twins and they're very nice and friendly once you get to know them. I've grown quite fond of them and ik when I go back to the mansion to continue my normal life I'll be sad to leave them but it will probably be for the best.
In school my grades are exceptionally good, something you wouldn't expect from a problem child.
The teachers at my school get quite annoyed with some of the things I do in class but my good grades make up for it, so I don't really have to worry about getting on any of their bad sides.
Living with these normal people isn't all that bad but life can be quite bland sometimes. At the mansion things were always exciting I could always play with Ben or Jeff and I'd never get bored, but here its different. Everything is just so ordinary and it actully bothers me a bit.
Throwing the covers to the side, I stand up and make my way to my turquoise bedroom door. I take the railing in one hand and jump down the stairs as I yell out, " MOM! "
" Yes, darling? " my mom says back to me.
" I'm hungry what's for dinner? "
" We're having fast food tonight since your father is coming home late from work. "
" Oh ok can we get Panda Yumm?!? " I squeak excitedly.
" Yes if that's what you want " said the tall, lean woman, ruffling my dirty blond hair.
She reminded me of Slendy tall and skinny. She was also quite pail like him to. One thing that I did like a lot about her was her short hair that barely touched her shoulders and the way the dark blackness of it contrasted with her shimmery white skin.
Her brilliant blue eyes meet my dull blue ones, as I got into the front seat of the silver mini van that she drove around town.
The car ride to Panda Yumm was silent but that was ok, considering the dark and cool atmosphere. The sky was beautiful with all the sparkling stars and the haunting yellow-white moon.
We finally reached the Chinese food restaurant and pulled into the drive thru. When my mom rolled the window down a strong sent of goodness entered my nose. It made me smile as I spoke, " can I get yakisoba and potstickers with extra teriyaki sauce? "
" Yes, of course darling, " my mom spoke with a bright smile.
When we finally got through the drive thru I was delighted to be able to ear my food. It was delicious all I could think about on the drive home was all the delicious flavors dancing through my mouth.
When we reached home I threw my trash away, hopped back up the stairs, and into my bedroom for a good night's sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2015 ⏰

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