"Clary!" Isabelle yelled. She was on the opposite side of them. Clary quickly took Jonathan down. I was closer than the others, but they were still too far.

"Clary now!" 

Clary didn't move. Jonathan took the opportunity to move past her. I thought he was just gonna run like last time, but he stopped in front of me. I went to hit him, but he locked my shoulder out pulling it out of place.

"Sissy," He smiled. "Just like old times. We must catch up." He whispered into my ear. 

My eyes locked on Jace and Clary as they disappeared. Everything was a blur as he moved me. My face pinched tight as my arm ached. He held it at a painful angle pulling me with him. 

He stopped with his demonic racing when we were in a warehouse. I moved my arm back and up letting out a groan as it popped back into socket. It was sad that my joints were used to this.

"So you figured out how to do that on your own hmm?" Jonathan asked. He stood across from me.

"Jonathan," I clenched my hands.

"It's Jonny," A hand pressed to his chest. "I'm back Sissy. I'm finally home. The real me, I don't have to pretend anymore. We can be a family again." The two of us across from each other.

"You know that's not true," I said. He dropped his hands.

"You think I'm a bad person," He smiled. "I'm not the only one. You really think you and Clary are so pure." 

He slowly moved closer and closer to me. I didn't step back. I didn't back up like when we were kids. I wasn't afraid of him. He could kill me, but I wasn't scared of him. I could try and take him if it came down to it. I could play into the family card.

"I'm not pure," I said.

"Clary isn't either, she isn't like you described," He chewed his lip as he stared at the floor. His fascination with Clary was too close to be sibling love. 

"It's been a long twelve years since I was with you last," I explained. He touched the side of his face. He was reaching for something, but it wasn't there.

"Do you want to know what I endured for helping you escape?" He asked. "Valentine had cut across my face," He moved his finger from his temple through his eyebrow, eye, and over his lips finishing at his chin. 

"It was gruesome." He laughed. "There was a point where I hoped it would have killed me, that I wouldn't have healed, that the last thing I did was save my sister. That would make me a good person."

"But you didn't," I muttered. He shook his head.

"No, I didn't you're right. I went on living another few months until Valentine sent me to Edom!" He yelled. A few pieces of his spit hit my face. 

"Do you have any idea what it feels like to have your flesh burned off?" He reached his hand up touching my cheek. I smacked it away. His face was close to mine. "Layer by layer."

"I'm sorry he sent you there," I apologized. "But you've become exactly what he wanted of you."

"No," He laughed. "He wanted me dead. I'm too much. He created me with too much demonic energy. He was so afraid he had to send me away. After you left I was erratic. I'd murdered a few too many people in the village." He licked his lips as he stepped closer to me. 

I threw my hand forward slamming my palm into his sternum. It knocked him back a foot. I just wanted some distance, but not much. The action sent a burn up my arm. My shoulder was still tender from it being torn from the socket.

"I didn't want to be this way Sissy, but you know that. You've known me. You know what I'm truly like." His features softened. It was an act I knew it was an act. "I'm a good person Lynn. Tell me I'm a good person." I pulled the dagger from my pocket moving it to his chest, he gripped my arms, but I swept his legs. Before he could get up I knelt on his chest.

"You hurt me, you hurt Clary." He shoved me off. 

My grip on the dagger was too loose. It slid a foot from him. He picked it up and swiped at me catching my cheek. I turned getting back onto my feet as I stood up. My hands were up and ready for anything. Just like when we were kids.

"This brings back some memories," I muttered. He stared at me then the dagger in his hand. A little bit of my blood on it.

"I don't want to hurt you, Sissy," His hands dropped. His features softened once more. "I don't want us to be like this anymore. I just want my family back. The one I never got to have. I want life to be how it was with you. The small moments we had. When I would show you my favorite spots in the trees or try and take you to town. Even just feeding some of the birds." 

"Jonny, you poisoned the birds," I breathed. 

"I just want my sisters," He said. "Valentine is dead. He's gone. There is no more pain for us. We don't have to keep fighting. I just need my sisters."

"Jonathan, you've hurt innocent people. You've murdered people. We can't go back from that. You've gone too far," I shook my head. 

His jaw clenched. He looked at the dagger in his hands and then threw it at me. I caught the blade moving to the side. I turned back, but he was gone. I grimaced and wiped the blood on my jeans. I searched the place as I went over the healing rune with my Stele. 

He was gone. 

The cut sealed up on my hand as I tried to rub the blood off. When I was done I went back to the institute. I'd lost him. Again. At the Institute people were moving around everywhere. A swarm of people. One at each monitor.

"What are we doing?" I asked. Lindsay walked past me but stopped.

"We are all—Lena," Her eyes widened. "Lena's back!" 

I looked around confused, but everyone stopped and turned. Isabelle and Alec shoved through the sea of people.

"What's happening?"

"Ah thank the angel," Isabelle smiled. Alec came forward turning my head to the side and picking up my hand. I couldn't get all of the blood off.

"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked quickly his eyes moving over me. His other hand came to my jaw carressing my cheek. He was worried. 

"I'm okay," I nodded.

"How's the shoulder," Isabelle asked. Her hand was on her own shoulder. She felt that. 

"Sore," I rolled it.

"Did he want anything from you?" Alec asked. "I was afraid he might try and take you with him." My hand moved up his arm until it rested on his wrist.

"No," I shook my head. "He won't leave without Clary and me." 

"I can't believe he glamoured himself as Jace." Isabelle shook her head.

"He's got an obsession with Clary," I breathed.

"And you?" Alec asked. I shook my head.

"No, no. He uh, he wants his family back thinks that everything will be fine now that Valentine isn't here to bid us against one another." I explained. My eyes moved to the floor. Alec pulled me toward him giving me a tight hug.

"I'm glad you're safe," He kissed the top of my head.

"Me too," Isabelle nodded.

"What did I miss?" I asked immediately switching topics. 

They both looked at one another and then started filling me in on everything. Magnus's trip and the sword that they didn't actually find, but they found out what the real Morning Star sword would do. 

Isabelle was also telling me about the chip she found in Greenlaw's stomach. The two of us were going to spend most of our time tomorrow hacking through it. I was good at hacking. 

I didn't have friends and I didn't go out other than drinking and drugs. So I had a lot of time on my hands searching on the dark web. I could learn fast if I put my mind to it. 

Til The Bitter End | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now