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The father-daughter duo is having fun in the garden of the small house. As the daughter runs around and the father pretends not being able to catch her, the ten year old child's laughter fills the place. The mother silently watches, admiring from afar her eyes moist with unshed tears. She knows what she has to do, she knows she can't be selfish now, not if she wishes to protect her small family. The father's eyes fall on the mother of his daughter, ever so observant understands something is wrong. He persuades his daughter to go into her room and rest. The daughter, tired with all the running, goes to her room.

The man goes near the woman and asks "What's wrong sweetheart? Did something happen in the Market?".

The woman sobs "They are still searching for me. I can't let them find us, they will kill us all, I can't let our daughter die.".

The man's expression goes grim, " Don't worry we will find a way.".

The woman yells "You don't understand, the moment they find out I have a child, they will try to kill her."

The man replies in a soft voice, "We will do something. You saw something in the market right, it's okay we will move from here in the morning." He takes the woman in his arms to console her. What they didn't know was that their daughter had listened to the whole conversation, although she doesn't understand it now, she will remember the conversation her whole life.

At night, the woman wakes from her bed determined, she knows what she has to do. She kisses the sleeping man's forehead and mutters "sorry", goes to her daughters rooms and does the same. Then she leaves at the dead of the night.


A day later, the man is on his knees in the extravagant throne room as he begs, "Please your Majesty, do something, save her please, she believes they will kill her".

The King uninterested replies, "There is nothing that can be done without breaking the peace treaty, I can't interfere in their matters."


The Lunara temple was full of chatter, why wouldn't it be, it's been a while since a prophecy of this scale has been recorded by a divination witch. A worker who had overheard the conversation of the witches, spilled whatever he understood. All everyone could talk about was that the world was going towards destruction and it was in the hands of a hybrid to save it. But the problem was that there were no hybrids, at least none that they knew the existence of .



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Hello dear readers this is your author Enigma, and that's the prologue. Are excited for the first chapter? I have written it already. If I get 10 views and a few votes then I will upload the first chapter before next Sunday. But that is probably too much enthusiasm from me. Hehe!

But anyway next update on next Sunday.

If are interested for the next chapter do vote, comment and share. ❤️


431 words


Fates Converged: A Witch's VowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora