Chapter 3.7: Brothers Scolding and Hospital scene (Edited)

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You flinched hard at Namjoon's shout. Seeing both your brothers angry was overwhelming. Your voice wavered in desperation as you tried to explain what had happened that day, but their expressionless faces only made you more afraid. You sat there, pressing your lips together, glancing at them repeatedly. Jin continued treating the wound in silence. After a brief pause, Namjoon finally spoke.

Namjoon: (frustrated) "How could you hide something like this from us? What were you thinking, keeping it to yourself? What if it got infected?"

Jin: (stern) "You should have told us right away. It's getting worse; the blood is clotted. Do you even realize how serious this is? If Namjoon hadn't noticed, it could have turned severe."

You felt a lump in your throat and your vision blurred with tears. You took a shaky breath, trying to muster the courage to speak.

Y/n: (guilty) "I'm sorry. I was scared that you would scold me."

Your voice cracked, and tears you were holding back started running down your cheeks. Seeing you crying silently made Namjoon and Jin soften. Namjoon stopped pacing and rushed to your side, pulling you into a tight hug. You could feel his steady heartbeat against your own fast pulse, which made you feel more grounded. He gently stroked your hair and whispered comforting words to you, making your tears fall even more.

Namjoon: (sigh, cupping your cheeks) "It's okay, baby. We were just worried about you. Now, hush...if you were scared of getting scolded then why didn't you at least tell me or Jimin sooner?"

Jin: (side eyes) "Hey? What do you mean by tell me or Jimin? Do I ever scold my princess?"

Y/n: (sad pout) "Yes, you do."

Jin: (smile) "See...(sudden realization) Wait...what?"

Namjoon: (chuckled) "See? Here's the proof."

Y/n: (sniffling, to Namjoon) "Even you scold me."

Now, even Jin started chuckling, leaving Namjoon dumbfounded. Despite this, he kept smiling and was no longer angry with you.

Namjoon: (pinching your cheeks) "Aigoo, but baby, you know, right? I wouldn't have got angry today if you told me sooner."

Y/n: (low voice) "I know, but I thought it would get better on its own. I didn't want to worry anyone."

Jin: (patting your head) "But you made us more worried. We just... we care about you. So please, don't hide things like this again."

You nodded.

Namjoon: (softly) "Now, let Jin Hyung finish bandaging it; it's already gotten worse."

Y/n: (sniffling, puppy eyes) "O-Oppa?"

Jin: (putting ointment) "Yes, sweetheart?"

You hesitated and was scared to ask or demand anything right now because you were already at fault. You glanced at Jin and then Namjoon who were already looking at you with straight face.

Y/n: (hesitating) "C-c-can you please not tell the others about this? P-please?"

Jin and Namjoon looked at each other. Before they could respond, they heard a voice from the doorway.

Suga: (curious) "What should we not know?"

Hearing Suga's voice, you tensed up. Right after Suga, Jimin came running in, his eyes wide when he saw the first aid box and the dried tears on your cheeks. Namjoon's raised voice earlier had drawn the attention of the rest of your brothers, who began to gather in his room one by one.

Jimin: (confused) "Hyung, what's happening? Why is Y/n crying?"

Jin: (showing Y/n's arm to Jimin) "See this...!!!"

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