[EP 25] the Khajornborirak clan

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"I apologize Clan Alpha, Clan Omega for arriving at your compound this late." Dunk wai-ed towards Meen and Ping. Ping was all smiles and sunshine. He had clapped excitedly when he saw Dunk.

"I'm a fan of yours. I really love your series." Dunk was shy at his compliment.

"The way cousin Tine described you, I got a sense that you are omega more than a beta. And now that I'm seeing you in person... I can't help but think its not an imagination." Meen spoke as he observed Dunk.

"I can't lie to you, Clan Alpha. The Guntithanons do not know. I would like to seek refuge at your compound." Dunk began to explain his status as a rogue omega, how he became Joong's bodyguard and his current predicament. He is unable to stay with the Guntithanon clan nor can he stay at the Tangsakyuen compound. Ping looked at Meen with pleading eyes after hearing Dunk's story. Meen shook his head while ruffling Ping's hair.

"We more than welcome you. Your skills are an asset to the Khajornborirak clan. Prem will guide you to your room." Dunk wai-ed towards Meen and Ping, thanking them. Prem had guided him to his room, giving him a change of clothes since Dunk came to the compound with just the clothes on his back.

He texted Pond and Phuwin so that they weren't worried about him. His room was clean, and homey. He sighed and hope for a better day tomorrow as he began his new life here.


Joong took a second shower in the morning, hoping that the scent mark is gone. He saw Ohm waiting in the living room.

"Yes, yes. It's gone. You can put on your scent blocker now. You need to work on that anxiety of yours." Ohm covered his nose.

"You try staying calm when your mate ran away!" Ohm's eyes widen at Joong's confession.

"You are serious about Dunk?" Ohm asked as he drove.

"More than serious. He's it for me." Joong said with conviction. He couldn't wait to reach Khajornborirak clan


He grinned. He couldn't believe what happened. It was even better than what he planned. The Moon Goddess must be helping him. This is the perfect opportunity to get rid of Joong Archen Guntithanon.

~Please vote if you like this EP. It drives me forward. Khoorp khun na kha~

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A/N: Additional supporting characters' intro for those who are not familiar with Meen and Ping.  Pic as below:

  Pic as below:

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