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A young Jessica sat at the kitchen bench as she watched her parents violently fight. Her mother screaming at the top of her lungs as her father threw stuff across the room. Jessica was used to it so by now she just learnt to sit there and not make a sound.

Once Jessica had enough of the yelling, she walked to her bedroom, closed the door, and laid still on her comfy bed. It was a everyday thing for Jessica so eventually she would just fall asleep, but this time she heard loud gunshots making her stand up quickly and run back to the kitchen, hiding behind a wall so she couldn't be seen.

The young girl watched as her parents held their hands up in surrender, their every move so careful so that they wouldn't be shot at.

"I think there's been a misunderstanding--" Mr. Murphy started but he stopped abruptly when one of the officers released the safety pin from his gun.

"You have the right to remain silent, Mr. Murphy." The officer spoke loudly, "I believe that just earlier today you murdered five people, is that correct?"

"We did." Mr. Murphy nodded proudly.

"That is nothing you should be proud of, Sir. Now, we could do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way, we take you to prison and everything will be over or the hard way, we kill you. Your choice." The officer shrugged. Jessica's parents looked at one another before making a run for it, "Get them!" The officer yelled as he ran quickly after them, firing his gun continuously at the couple, Eventually the officer managed to knock to the ground and shooting them both in the chest.

Jessica looked from a far with tears in her eyes as she watched her parents die.

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