Leah and Jason are parents to three kids aged three and are called Trixie, Poppy and Rosie. Leah is a full-time nurse along with Niska and her mom. Jason works with Charlie and is his second in command.

Seth and Bree are also parents too! They have triplets just born called Mal, Carlos and Evie

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Seth and Bree are also parents too! They have triplets just born called Mal, Carlos and Evie. Seth has taken over a mechanic shop and Bree deals with the fiancées.

Quil and Molly have one daughter called Carrie aged six months and they both work in daycare together and are living together

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Quil and Molly have one daughter called Carrie aged six months and they both work in daycare together and are living together.

Quil and Molly have one daughter called Carrie aged six months and they both work in daycare together and are living together

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Grace is only fifteen but she and Jake have started dating one another slowly and are happy to be like this for now. Brady and Colin are in happy relationships with Sapphire and Carmen and have no plans for kids right now.

 Brady and Colin are in happy relationships with Sapphire and Carmen and have no plans for kids right now

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Charlie and Cora have two children ages five and two called Elizabeth Ann Swan and Issac Enzo Swan

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Charlie and Cora have two children ages five and two called Elizabeth Ann Swan and Issac Enzo Swan. They are enjoying life and are extremely happy with their life.

The Cullens those who left were last heard being in England and weren't causing anyone problems and were never seen again

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The Cullens those who left were last heard being in England and weren't causing anyone problems and were never seen again.

Emmett, Eleanor, Jasper and Mary all stayed in Forks due to Kiri and Jimmy forming a friendship which will soon turn into more.

Emmett, Eleanor, Jasper and Mary all stayed in Forks due to Kiri and Jimmy forming a friendship which will soon turn into more

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Sue and Billy have started a relationship now and are currently happy

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Sue and Billy have started a relationship now and are currently happy. Old Quil passed away in his sleep.

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