"What?!" He looked a little offended.

"Don't get me wrong. I was going to say bye, I was just going to put my bags outside first. I really am grateful for everything you all have done for me and I hope you all have a wonderful trip," I told him genuinely.

"What?! You're going on the trip too." Mrs. Mo suddenly walked out from behind Mr. Marsh.

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" Mr. Marsh asked.

"Look, you don't have to worry about me anymore. I'll be okay and thank you so much for taking care of me. You all really did save my life," I wasn't sure what Mr. Marsh wanted to hear from me.

Everyone in The Marsh- Mo Family just kept staring at me a little bit odd.

It was a bit uncomfortable.

"Umm, anyway... thank you very much," I painfully exhaled, before walking out the front door.

- Olivia POV -

Dad was pissed.

"Y/N, GET BACK IN HERE!!!" He yelled out the front door.

"When the hell is this kid going to learn that they're a part of the family?!" He huffed out, grabbing his keys and following after Y/n.

It seemed like Y/n had caused a bit of stress while I was gone.

I don't blame them though. I would be really stressed out too about overstaying my welcome somewhere.

"What the hell are you smiling about?!" Dani suddenly yelled at me.

I raised an eyebrow at her rudeness.

"Don't you care that Y/n just left?!" She kept on yelling.

I just chuckled at her childish behavior.

Danielle hadn't learned much about the world yet. She didn't understand that kindness comes with a cost, just like pain has value.

"I don't," I coldly answered her.

"If it were me, I would've left a long time ago. I could never owe someone so much," I looked her right in the eyes.

Danielle just furrowed her eyebrows at me.

I was expecting a childish response or some sort of positive preach, but she just stayed quiet.

"Olivia, go to your room. We don't need your honesty right now," Mom suddenly ordered.

"No," I sternly answered.

"When Y/n comes back, if they come back, they're going to want to hear the truth and they'll only be comforted by the truth.  So, I'll wait," I crossed my arms.

My family was always very warm, inviting, and positive. I always loved that about them. It was so nice to come home to a safe space.

It was nice to know that I had a place where I could just be myself.... but it was clear that our family could have all the right traits, yet still lack some of the important parts of a balanced reality....

At least when it came to Y/n.

"YOU ARE ONE OF US AND YOU'LL ACT LIKE ONE!!" We could hear Dad yell from the driveway.

We all heard angry footsteps walked up to the front door, before Y/n angrily stomped into the house.

Dad was always very understanding, he was very communicative, and very progressive as a far... but when it came to Y/n.... he always seemed to be very tested.

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