When Gao Yue and Huang Mengyao walked away, Zhang Xiaobai shook his head and said: "Perverted, it's just perverted, there used to be only one, and now even Yaoyao has been taken into a little pervert by Gao Yue, hiss-" Zhang Xiaobai gasped and shook exaggeratedly.

"There are 63 Adepts at one time, and there are only 70 in total in our base now, Gu Ning, you are completely an Adeptus Maker!" Jia Daochang said excitedly.

The third brother said: "It seems that Daoist Jia, you had such a high evolution rate last time, and there were several mutant strains, and it was really because Gu Ning evolved with you."

Xiang Xu Kepu said: "When Sister Gu Ning evolved, I saw that a lot of ability points of light were attracted to this direction, and after the absorbed ability reaches a certain number, it will evolve the ability, and the more ability absorbed, the larger the ability pool." It's easier to try to evolve a second time, plus the ability you accumulate for the first time. Of course, there are exceptions, and some special constitutions can't absorb abilities, like my brother. "Xiang Yi has basically given up on the ability now, but he is already smart, and he has more stability than his peers, and he is now mainly responsible for the physical training of the children in the base school, and the naughtiest children in the base are like little sheep in front of him.

Gu Ning couldn't help but smile when she heard Xiang Xu talk about Xiang Yi, remembering the first time she saw their two brothers and sisters, it was really different from now, she let go of the cotton swab that was holding the pinhole, and said lightly: "Finally, I didn't waste the crystal nucleus of the mutant system." The

third brother said with anticipation: "I wonder if there will be a mutant line this time?"

"Based on the experience of last time, there should be." Xiang Xu said: "I hope to have a spiritual department, and now the base is my spiritual department." The words of

the third brother and Xiang Xu suddenly picked up the topic again, and everyone talked about it, speculating whether there would be a few mutant strains coming out.

Time passed bit by bit, and they were not agitated. The longer you are unconscious, the more abilities you absorb and the larger your ability pool will be, which is common knowledge that almost everyone knows about it, and the size of the ability pool is related to the number of abilities, the recovery of abilities, and the speed at which they progress in the future. So they wish the people inside woke up as late as possible.

The two of the last batch of evolutions, the coma time was less than an hour, the ability pool was pitiful, and a fire-based ability could only send out about twenty fireballs when he drained all his abilities, while Huang Mengyao could send out more than a hundred fireballs without interruption when he first evolved, and the speed of ability recovery was also twice as fast as theirs. Zhang Xiaobai, Cheng Ming, Jia Daochang, these mutant lines are even worse.

Except for the group of abilities of the third company, the ability pool of the other abilities in the base is relatively small. So even if there is no task now, Gu Ning will ask all the abilities to improve their control of the ability, and the most effective way is to help build the base. The earth system is used to build houses, the wood system is used for furniture, and the water system is used for condensing the water used for daily life, etc.

The first to wake up was a girl named Yu Su from the Second Brigade of the Women's Corps, nineteen years old, her physical fitness was relatively poor, and she would report to the infirmary on time as long as the day changed. This time she got this place because she won the third place in marksmanship in the women's team internal competition last month, and was recommended by Liu Mei.

Maybe it's because of the poor physical fitness, her body is already the limit to absorb so many abilities, she sat up and was dazed for a while, when she saw the people lying around her, she reacted to what happened, she carefully felt the changes in her body because of the ability, and then stretched out her hand, a fiery red flame appeared in her palm and jumped happily, she covered her mouth, looked at the flame jumping in her palm and almost cried excitedly.

✓The Gate of Rebirth in the Last DaysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang