Looking into a mirror in the cane you clear your throat and remember what you've practiced.

A clear mind, a confident voice, a jump in my step. One two three~ one two three! All eyes on me! No frowning, no pouting, no moaning and groaning. Only grins only smiles that shine for miles! I'm someone new, someone different. I must smile for the people that can't.

You step out of the stall and out of the changing rooms to where everyone else was standing in the light, talking to each other. With a few coughs in preparation, you stepped out into the light. You spotted Izuku immediately and laughed. "Well then, what an adorable little rabbit! Will he be the next number one? Will he capture the hearts of his classmates? Only one way to find out!"

"You lie."

He turned around sharply, "Y- Y/N..?" You gave a big grin, sharp teeth and all, with a hearty laugh. "Heya, green bean! It's showtime!" You tapped your finger onto his nose.. or.. where it should be. You had practiced this dozens of times with your older siblings. The smile, the laugh, the whole act. But it didn't seem fake. On the inside, however, you were screaming. 

"What the.." Uraraka's eye twitched in shock, "you were waay more quiet just before!" You gave a small chuckle. "You need to be more bold to be seen, sweets. Call it an act."

That's because it was.

You winked and walked towards All Might, heels clicking with each step. Despite having a literal war with yourself in your head, you held up a confident smile. But all that was going on inside was, "IM CRINGE HOLY SHIT" "WHY DID I SAY THAT??? WHY AM I SMILING!?" "AAAAAAAAAA-"

Bakugou also looked at you from the side but quickly looked away when your eyes caught his. With a laugh and a flick of your tail, you borrow a bit of fire from Amber and snap your fingers, sparks flew out and a flash of purple appeared for a split second to tease him a bit. He scoffed and created some sparks of his own and turned away.

You tapped your little top hats brim and looked forward, still adorned with an award winning smile. Only for it to falter as the others started to ask All Might questions rapidly. "I should save him."

With a tap of your cane, you quickly silenced everyone. "People! People, he may be strong enough to be the number one hero, but he's not strong enough to answer hundreds of questions at a time!" Iida flinched. "One at a time, dears. One at a time."

I also just really want you guys to shut the fuck up

"You're right, Daybreak!" Iida had started. "My sincerest apologies, All Might! How could I have been so foolish!?"

It was a simple mistake... if you can really call it one-

Despite you wanting to say something like that, it would go against the act. So, instead you clapped. "What spirit!" You have a genuine chuckle at the accidental pun you had made.

I fucking hate myself

"There will be a "bomb" that the villain team must hide and protect. The hero team must find it and deactivate it within 15 minutes! However, the villains will do all they can to protect it, go wild!"

You shift your eyes to Izuku. "Aaand he's regretting living. Fun." You then look to Bakugou who has his own violent grin, probably hoping to beat the shit out of Izuku. "Oh stars... I'm just gonna have to hope for him."

All Might continues, "there will be capturing tape to eliminate one of the opposing team... or both! Kudos to you!" All Might pats a box. "I will assort you to teams based on the letter you pull. However, I understand that there is an odd number of students."

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