Chapter Twenty-Six: Love Poems and Death

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I know

I know you love me.

After an hour or two, I finally gained the ability to move and made my way to my room where I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep due to the dizziness caused by crying.

When I woke up, for a second I was confused about whether everything that had happened the previous night was a dream or not. I hoped it was. I checked my pockets for my knife and found nothing, and that just confirmed that all of that had happened.

Reece had caught me about to kill myself.

He had been the reason I was still alive.

And he was upset.

I wasn't sure whether I was happy about all of it or not. I didn't feel that suicidal anymore, just the same old empty.

I made my way to breakfast, feeling dead inside.

I saw Reece sitting alone, and I knew he knew I was there. And I knew he was ignoring me. I didn't push it, of course, he wanted to cut ties with a suicidal person. He wouldn't want to be involved anyhow.

I sat alone, far away from each other, in a way that I wouldn't be able to see him, but he'd be able to see me. I didn't want him to not be able to look at an entire portion of the room.

I wanted him to see me, it was the first step to forgiving me.

Why did I want forgiveness? I hadn't even done anything wrong! But that would solely depend on what your definition of wrong was.

It was my life, after all. What did it matter to him anyway? He didn't care about me.

But even then, a part of me knew that wasn't true. Reece cared for very few people, but when he cared, he cared deeply for them.

I was guilty. I wanted to apologize, but I knew it would be too soon.

The flight back home was too long. I huddled myself in a corner and only spoke to Jacob, that too only once in a while.

I was home before I knew it.

I felt tired and overworked and sick and exhausted.

I check my phone and find a dozen texts from different people.

I opened Lizzie's texts first and almost felt my heart give out.

I think you really need to see this-

Below it was a link to a video. I clicked on it, already knowing what was there to come.

'A reporter was kicked out for asking THIS question to the famous artist Christiana Hayes," read the caption.

The video showed the exact question, captured my reaction, and zoomed in on my expression.

Nicolas had moved out while I was gone, and there was a text from him too,

Sis, please don't freak out when you see this,

Below was another video, and I felt my hands shake as I clicked on it.

The title read- A detailed report on Christiana Haye's mental instability.

The video featured some of my old appearances in which I had sometimes made some mistakes or anything.

The video showed an in-depth description and analysis of some of my paintings and finally focused on the recent drama.

There was a link below the video, leading to another site. This site had a huge article describing a love triangle between me, Jacob, and Corey. An inexistent love triangle. There were pictures of me hugging Jacob, wearing Corey's blazer, and some old photos of us together.

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