[5]: you all over me

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'paige' I called out to the girl in the bathroom.

'what' she groaned, coming into the room in basketball shorts and a hoodie.

'hi' I smiled.

'hi' she rolled her eyes.

'you were taking forever' I complained.

'I was hiding from you' she joked.

'like you were at the party ?' I raised an eyebrow.

'what do you mean ?' she asked confused.

'you ditched me' I scoffed.

'I did not' she denied.

'did too' I argued.

'I didn't' she said high-pitched.

'did' i mumbled.

'ugh just go to sleep it's like 1am' she groaned.

'ughh' I sighed, flopping back.

I stood up, getting my clothes in a pile.

'where are you going ?' she asked.

'couch' I shrugged, putting up the hood of her hoodie I wore.

'no I'll sleep on the couch it's fine' she demanded.

'no it's your dorm' I argued.

'so what I say goes' she replied.

'so your not getting kicked out of your own bed' I remarked.

'fine' she huffed.

I began walking out the room when she dragged me back onto the bed.

'guess your stuck here with me then' she teased, turning the light off and getting in.

'worst nightmare' I spoke quietly.

'more like your biggest dream' she whispered, rolling on her back as I did.

'big head' I insulted.

'deny it all you want' she sighed, getting comfy.

I just shook my head and closed my eyes, drifting to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of soft snoring down my ear.

as I tried to turn around my movement was stopped by an arm holding me tightly.

I lay my head back into the pillow, sighing as my head pounded.

a feeling of sick came over me, forcing me to try and escape paiges grip.

'paige I need to get up. paige' I gagged.

the second her grip loosened I jumped into the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet.

'nessaa' paige complained, walking into the bathroom and holding my hair 'told you you'd regret it'

'shut up' I growled, throwing up again.

I sat against the bathroom wall, hitting my head back.

'I'm never drinking ever ever again' I complained.

'yeah yeah, come on don't sit on the floor' she dragged me up.

'it's comfy' I rolled my eyes.

'I was comfy' she mumbled, rubbing her eyes and getting back in bed.

I just shook my head, going to get water.

'hey' azzi winced.

'hey' I spoke quietly.

'hate to make a bad day worse but kk is looking for you' she said hesitantly.

'she'll be fine' I sighed. 'I'm gonna go now anyway'

'are you sure ?' she asked.

'yeah, I'll just say bye to paige' I replied.

she just smirked, nodding her head.

'what are you smirking at ?' I questioned.

'nothing' she shrugged as I walked away, suspicious.

'paige, I'm gonna go before kk kills me. I'll wash these clothes and get them back to you' I said.

'it's okay keep them, I'll see you at training' she waved.

'bye' I smiled, closing her door.

'bye azzi' I blew her a kiss.

'bye babe' she winked as I walked the three doors down to my room.

as I walked in I was met with an angry kk and sleepy nika.

'hey' I smiled tight-lipped.

'hey ?' she rose both eyebrows.

'yep' I sunk into the couch.

'I was so worried nessa' she shook her head.

'sorry kay' I apologised, looking down.

'it's okay, azzis story is enough to make you miserable' she laughed, sitting next to me.

'what ? what's on azzis story' I bugged, searching through Instagram.

@ azzifudd added to her story

@ azzifudd added to her story

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what I come home to 🙊

'oh my gosh' I covered my face.

'what's going on there ?' kk smirked.

'nothing.' I grunted, throwing my head back.

'wait until you see the fan pages' she mumbled.

'what ?!' I yelled, sighing loudly and getting up. 'I'm going to bed'

'don't forget we have practice later' she smiled.

I just groaned, jumping in bed with my phone.

@ uconnfanpage1

nessa kray and paige buekers outside of a party 🙉

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nessa kray and paige buekers outside of a party 🙉

@ uconnlover23 did you see azzis story ?!?!
@ uconnfanpage1 yess I ship so hard🚢🚢

@ ilovenessakray rock, paper.....
@ uconnfanpage1 loll😭
@ nessa.kray13 I'm scared rn
@paigebuekers same tbh
@ uconnfanpage1 omgg😲😲

[chloe speaks]
little chapter to keep use entertained🥰😝 just cause ily😉

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daylightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora